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- Proliferate is a verb that means to rapidly increase or grow in number or amount. This can refer to the multiplication of cells, the spread of information or ideas, the reproduction of plants or animals, or the expansion of any other entity.
- Despite more attention to racial disparities in the criminal legal system, instances of bringing prejudicial and irrelevant rap lyrics into criminal proceedings have proliferated.
- Images of dead fish and chemical-tinged creeks have proliferated on social media, even as state and federal officials have declared the water safe to drink.
- Mass shootings — and live broadcasts — raise questions about the role and responsibility of social media sites in allowing violent and hateful content to proliferate.
- Although all existing groups of dinosaurs walked through the disaster virtually unscathed and went on to wildly proliferate through the Jurassic, many other forms of reptiles and amphibians perished.
- Facebook knew that such harmful posts proliferated on its platform and it needed to improve its “classifiers,” which are automated systems that can detect and remove posts containing violent and inciting language.
- Proliferate这个单词为动词,其表示“to rapidly increase or grow in number or amount”这一含义,即“
迅速繁殖/猛增/激增/扩散”,与multiply/increase/expand这些单词构成近义词。 - 具体使用场景如下:
- Over the past few years, Mastodon has become the model for a friendlier kind of social network, promising to keep out the hateful or ugly content that proliferates on larger and more centralized networks.(在过去的几年里,Mastodon已经成为一种更友好的社交网络的典范,承诺将阻止在更大、更集中的网络上扩散的仇恨或丑陋内容。)
—Technology - We must remember that the more infections there are, the more chance mutations will occur, and those that best help the virus to survive will proliferate.(我们必须记住,感染越多,发生突变的机会就越大,而那些最能帮助病毒生存的突变就会扩散。)
—Science - Beijing Daily, a newspaper run by the city government, said over the weekend that letting the street market economy proliferate will harm the image of the Chinese capital.(市政府运营的报纸《北京日报》周末表示,让街头市场经济激增将损害中国首都的形象。)
—Business - As sign language music videos proliferate on YouTube, where they spark comments from deaf and hearing viewers, the richness of American Sign Language, or A.S.L., has gotten a broader stage.(随着手语音乐视频在YouTube上的激增,它们引发了聋哑人和听力观众的评论,美国手语(ASL)的丰富性得到了更广阔的舞台。)
—Arts and Culture