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  1. The term “preemptive” refers to actions taken to prevent something expected or anticipated from happening. It involves taking measures beforehand to avoid or neutralize a potential threat or situation.
  2. In various contexts, such as in military strategy or decision-making, “preemptive” actions are proactive steps taken to prevent an adversary from taking action or to address a problem before it escalates. For instance, a preemptive strike in warfare refers to an attack initiated to prevent an imminent attack from an enemy. In a non-military context, preemptive actions can also be seen in business, where a company might introduce a new product or service to gain an advantage before competitors do, thereby preempting their moves.
  3. Warner Bros. preemptively softened the portrayal of Sherman McCoy, a formidable bond trader known as the “Master of the Universe,” by casting Tom Hanks, recently famous for his role in “Big.”
  4. Mr. Gerson played a pivotal role in articulating the “Bush Doctrine” during the chaotic aftermath of the September 11, 2001, attacks, advocating preemptive strikes against perceived threats such as potential terrorists.
  5. October saw Walmart initiating a preemptive lawsuit against the Justice Department and the Drug Enforcement Administration, aimed at seeking federal court guidance on the responsibilities of its pharmacies when filling opioid prescriptions.
  6. The research findings revealed that, as opposed to the control group, children within the group whose parents underwent the preemptive intervention were three times likelier to meet the clinical threshold for an autism diagnosis.

  1. Preemptive这个单词做形容词使用,其表示“done before other people can act, especially to prevent them from doing something else”这一含义,即“先发制人的/抢先的/抢占先机的/优先权的”,与preventive/deterrent这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • The modification occurred shortly after the WSJ contacted TikTok about an upcoming story, potentially suggesting that TikTok implemented the update preemptively, before the story’s publication.(这一变化发生在《华尔街日报》就即将到来的故事联系 TikTok 后不久,表明 TikTok 在故事发布之前就抢先进行了更新。。)
  • OpenAI took measures to preemptively address the hype by stressing the system’s limitations to journalists, encouraging them to explore and identify any potential faults during their experimentation with the program.(OpenAI采取措施,通过向记者强调该系统的局限性,鼓励他们在试验该程序期间探索和识别任何潜在的错误,从而先发制人地解决炒作问题。)
  • States such as Ohio and Michigan have taken preemptive action by passing statutes that clarify scholarship athletes’ status as non-employees, effectively thwarting college athlete unions following Northwestern’s initiative.(俄亥俄州和密歇根州等州已经抢先采取了行动,通过法规澄清了奖学金运动员作为非雇员的地位,有效地挫败了西北大学倡议下的大学运动员工会。)
  • Swift’s agreements will grant her more leverage to demand rapid responses if counterfeiting issues arise, potentially prompting and Alibaba to consider preemptive anti-counterfeiting measures to ensure her satisfaction.(斯威夫特的协议将赋予她更大的影响力,以便在出现假冒问题时要求迅速做出反应,这可能会促使 和阿里巴巴提前考虑防伪措施,以确保她满意。)
  • Walter White’s decision to shave his head midway through the first season of “Breaking Bad” was a preemptive action he took.(沃尔特·怀特在《绝命毒师》第一季中途决定剃光头是他采取的先发制人的行动。)
    –Arts and Culture


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