Image by master1305 on Freepik

  1. When something is pertinent, it is closely connected and has direct relevance or significance in addressing or discussing a particular matter. Pertinent information, facts, or details are essential and valuable because they specifically address the issue at hand and contribute to a better understanding or resolution of the matter.
  2. We will provide the pertinent historical data that is important for understanding the Shoshone ecology in that area, and then we will share the information collected from recent ethnographic research.
  3. Whether it’s financing the mining industry’s eco-friendly initiatives or adopting hydrogen power as a comprehensive energy solution, the issue of cost holds pertinent significance in South Africa.
  4. When entrusting your dog to a caregiver, it’s important to provide pertinent details, including your contact number and the complete name, address, and phone number of your dog’s veterinarian, which are relevant and necessary.
  5. The entire series is highly significant in contemporary American photography and remains particularly pertinent in the ongoing discussions about immigration and the act of crossing borders.


  1. Pertinent这个单词做形容词使用,其表示“has direct relevance or significance in discussing a particular matter”这一含义,即“有关的/恰当的/相宜的”,与relevant/applicable这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • By utilizing the wireless system, customers can conveniently use their cellphones to connect with the company and input pertinent information, such as account or order numbers.(通过使用无线系统,客户可以方便地使用手机与公司联系并输入相关信息,例如帐户或订单号。)
  • Once the InsightCenter incorporates pertinent details regarding a particular business or industry, the software’s embedded analytics will automatically provide valuable insights.(一旦洞察中心整合了有关特定业务或行业的相关详细信息,该软件的嵌入式分析将自动提供有价值的见解。)
  • Prior to the 19th century, new inventions and innovations mostly originated from skilled craftsmen who were not scientists and often had limited knowledge of pertinent scientific advancements.(在19世纪之前,新的发明和创新大多来自熟练的工匠,他们不是科学家,往往对相关科学进步的了解有限。)
  • In order to protect ourselves from the negative impacts of misleading information, it is essential that we cultivate a discerning mindset and pose pertinent inquiries regarding the truthfulness and relevance of the content we come across and distribute.(为了保护自己免受误导性信息的负面影响,我们必须培养一种敏锐的心态,并对我们所遇到和分发的内容的真实性和相关性提出相关的询问。)
  • Facebook’s algorithms amplified the most provocative misinformation globally, prioritizing content that is pertinent to individuals’ interests and beliefs, even if it lacks verifiable factual basis.(Facebook的算法放大了全球最具挑衅性的错误信息,优先考虑与个人兴趣和信仰相关的内容,即使它缺乏可验证的事实基础。)


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