
Image by Dnevnik

  • 发音:[pərˌsɑnəfɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n]
  • 例句
  1. When referring to a person who represents an abstract quality, personification can be seen as a metaphorical representation of that quality. For example, a person who is described as a “ray of sunshine” is a personification of happiness or positivity.
  2. Personification is commonly used in poetry, literature, and advertising to create vivid and engaging imagery. It can also be used as a tool for satire or social commentary, by portraying an abstract concept or institution as a flawed or misguided character.
  3. She was honored with an Academy Award in 1938 for her outstanding contribution to representing the youthful spirit and personification on screen.
  4. The new design features a gold medal with the Olympic flame and the image of Marianne’s hair and lips, who is the personification of the French Republic since the 1789 revolution.
  5. Although Steve Jobs is often portrayed as the personification of Apple in the media, the company’s success is the result of the hard work of numerous talented engineers, designers, and managers.

  • 解释:

  1. Personification这个单词做名词使用,其表示“representing an abstract quality or idea as a person or creature”这一含义,即“体现某品质或特点的人、化身、典型/拟人化的东西”,与manifestation/incarnation这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • In 2019, the villains in Borderlands 3, known as the Calypso Twins, serve as the embodiment of fears about the influence of social media, representing the personification of these anxieties.(2019年,《无主之地3》中的反派,被称为卡吕普索双胞胎,是人们对社交媒体影响的恐惧的化身,代表了这些焦虑的化身。)
  • The person who manipulates the market is often referred to as the personification of market manipulation, as they move stock prices by their visible hand, rather than by the invisible hand of supply and demand.(操纵市场的人通常被称为市场操纵的化身,因为他们通过看得见的手而不是看不见的供求之手来操纵股价。)
  • After Hillary Clinton’s podcast appearance, Tulsi Gabbard called her the “queen of warmongers,” embodiment of corruption, and personification of the rot that has sickened the Democratic Party, highlighting her as the embodiment or representation of these negative qualities.(在希拉里·克林顿的播客露面后,图尔西·加巴德称她为“战争贩子女王”,是腐败的化身,是使民主党感到恶心的腐朽的化身,强调她是这些负面品质的化身或代表。)
  • For movie fans of a certain age, Gregory Peck will forever be the personification of integrity and courage, thanks to his marvelous performance in the 1963 film “To Kill A Mockingbird.”(对于一定年龄的影迷来说,格雷戈里·派克将永远是正直和勇气的化身,这要归功于他在 1962年电影《杀死一只知更鸟》中的出色表现。)


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