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  1. The word “overtake” signifies progress and advancement, often with the implication of outperforming others, reaching higher goals, or achieving a superior position in terms of achievement, production, or scores. It’s a way of saying that someone or something has moved ahead in these specific areas.
  2. Running until Sunday, the MoMA’s exhibition “Never Alone: Video Games and Other Interactive Design” marks the museum’s gradual foray into the gaming sphere, aligning with the era in which digital culture has overtaken its traditional art collections in popularity.
  3. In the present year, Mexico has overtaken China as the United States’ primary trading partner, and there has been a nearly 50 percent surge in foreign direct investment in Mexico during the first quarter of this year compared to the same period last year.
  4. In the study, solar photovoltaic energy, the type of solar energy examined, is projected to overtake natural gas by 2026 and coal by 2027, making it the fastest-growing source of renewable energy on a global scale, as forecasted by Jones.
  5. Comscore data reveals that more than 17 million Americans still regularly use MapQuest, even though it was overtaken long ago by Google and Apple as one of the initial digital mapping websites.

  1. Overtake这个单词做动词使用,其表示“to move ahead of in achievement, production, score, etc.”这一含义,即“追上/赶上/超过/(在数量/成就/贡献等)超越”,与pass/catch up with/overwhelm等单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • In the latest update, Microsoft’s Azure cloud service saw a 48% revenue growth, propelling Microsoft to overtake Apple Inc as the world’s most valuable publicly traded company.(在最新的更新中,Microsoft的Azure云服务的收入增长了48%,推动Microsoft超过苹果公司,成为世界上最有价值的上市公司。)
  • It wasn’t until after 1830 that steam power overtook water and wind as a primary source of energy, and in Swift’s Laputa, like in eighteenth-century England, steam power didn’t overtake water power but rather complemented it.(直到 1830 年之后,蒸汽动力才取代水和风成为主要能源,在斯威夫特的拉普达,就像在 18 世纪的英国一样,蒸汽动力并没有取代水动力,而是补充了水动力。)
  • In reaction to an incident during the race, a safety car was introduced onto the track, and the world of Formula 1 witnessed a highly controversial turn of events as Max Verstappen skillfully overtook Lewis Hamilton on the final lap, securing the world title in a dramatic fashion.(为了应对比赛中发生的事故,一辆安全车被引入赛道,一级方程式世界见证了一场极具争议的事件转折,马克斯·维斯塔潘在最后一圈巧妙地超越了刘易斯·汉密尔顿,以戏剧性的方式获得了世界冠军。)
  • In the previous year, China overtook the U.S. as the world’s largest market for movie ticket sales, largely attributed to the extensive closure of cinemas in the U.S. amid the coronavirus pandemic.(去年,中国超过美国成为全球最大的电影票销售市场,这主要归因于美国在冠状病毒大流行期间大面积关闭电影院。)
  • By overtaking songs such as Nirvana’s “Smells Like Teen Spirit” and Guns N’ Roses’ “Sweet Child O’ Mine,” this song has gained the official recognition from Universal as the most streamed classic rock song of all time.(通过超越 Nirvana 的“Smells Like Teen Spirit”和 Guns N’ Roses 的“Sweet Child O’ Mine”等歌曲,这首歌获得了环球影业的官方认可,成为有史以来播放量最大的经典摇滚歌曲。)
    –Arts and Culture


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