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  1. An ovation is a special and enthusiastic display of approval, admiration, or appreciation from a group of people. It’s typically shown through actions like clapping, cheering, and applauding loudly. Ovations are often given to honor or acknowledge someone’s exceptional performance, achievement, or speech.
  2. In the world of entertainment, actors and performers receive ovations from the audience when they deliver outstanding performances. A standing ovation, where the audience stands up to applaud, is a powerful form of this expression. It signifies that the performance was exceptional and deeply moved the spectators.
  3. Athletes can also receive ovations from fans, especially when they accomplish remarkable feats or achieve significant milestones in their sports careers. The crowd’s loud cheers and applause show their admiration and support.
  4. In 2019, Mr. Powell addressed a group of business executives in Rhode Island with a speech heavily centered on economics and the job market, and to his surprise, he garnered a standing ovation, a rather atypical reaction for a presentation by a central bank representative.
  5. Clinton received multiple standing ovations from the audience, and leaders in the field of policy, HIV/AIDS advocates, and non-governmental organizations dedicated to addressing the epidemic lauded her “innovative” approach in utilizing recent advancements in prevention.

  1. Ovation这个单词做名词使用,其表示“approval and admiration for someone or something by clapping, cheering, and applauding loudly”这一含义,即“热烈鼓掌/热烈欢迎/欢呼/喝彩”,与applause /acclaim /recognition /praise这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • During the championship game, when Michael Jordan made a spectacular game-winning shot, the entire stadium erupted into a deafening ovation, as fans celebrated his legendary basketball skills and clutch performance.(在冠军赛期间,当迈克尔·乔丹投出精彩的制胜球时,整个体育场爆发出震耳欲聋的掌声,球迷们庆祝他传奇的篮球技巧和关键表现。)
  • When Albert Einstein presented his groundbreaking theory of relativity to a group of esteemed physicists, the room filled with a thunderous ovation, recognizing the profound impact his ideas would have on the field of theoretical physics.(当阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦向一群受人尊敬的物理学家介绍他开创性的相对论时,全场响起了雷鸣般的掌声,认识到他的想法将对理论物理学领域产生深远的影响。)
  • At the product launch event, Steve Jobs unveiled the first iPhone, a device that would transform the way people communicate, work, and play, receiving an extended ovation from the audience in appreciation of its revolutionary design and capabilities.(在产品发布会上,史蒂夫·乔布斯推出了首款iPhone,这款设备将改变人们的交流,工作和娱乐方式,并获得了观众的热烈掌声,以赞赏其革命性的设计和功能。)
  • After an amazing performance of Giuseppe Verdi’s “La Traviata” at the Metropolitan Opera, the lead singer got a standing ovation that lasted a very long time, showing how much the audience loved her singing and the whole show.(在大都会歌剧院演出朱塞佩·威尔第的《茶花女》后,主唱获得了持续很长时间的起立鼓掌,表明观众对她的歌声和整场演出的喜爱程度。)
  • Richard Branson’s heterodox approach to entrepreneurship, in which he emphasized the value of innovation and taking risks, earned him a prolonged standing ovation at the annual industry conference, leaving young business leaders feeling inspired by his achievements.(理查德·布兰森非传统的创业方式,其强调创新和承担风险的价值,为他在年度行业会议上赢得了长时间的起立鼓掌,让年轻的商业领袖对他的成就感到鼓舞。)


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