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  • 发音:[ˈɑsɪˌleɪt]

  • 例句

  1. To oscillate is to swing backward and forward like a pendulum, or to move or travel back and forth between two points.
  2. The old man oscillates between accepting the new position and retirement.
  3. Mr. Kenny says he oscillates between elation and despair over the progress of the past few decades.
  4. If the mass is displaced from its rest position and released, it will oscillate up and down.
  5. Countries across the region have over the past few years oscillated between left-wing and conservative governments, often with radically different economic and social policies.

  • 解释

  1. Oscillate这个单词为动词,其表示“to swing backward and forward like a pendulum“这一含义,即“前后摆动/震荡/摇摆”,与swing/sway/fluctuate等单词为近义词。

  2. 实际使用时,oscillate这个单词可以用来表示某一物理实体来回摆动/摇摆,例如风扇或者钟摆等物体。具体使用场景如下:The boy stands over there watching how the needle on the dial oscillates.(男孩站在那边,看着表盘上的指针如何摆动。)/The oscillating fan on the wall made the papers on the employee bulletin board flutter.(墙上的摆动风扇使员工公告板上的纸张颤动。)

  3. 除用于物理实体外,oscillate这个单词也可以用来表示某人“to move or travel back and forth between two points”,即情绪/状态/心里都抽象状态下的“来回摆动/犹豫不决”。具体使用场景如下:The fans of the 2022 FIFA World Cup Final have oscillated between optimism and pessimism. (2022年FIFA世界杯决赛的球迷在乐观和悲观之间摇摆不定。)/Her moods oscillated between depression and elation.(她的情绪在沮丧和兴高采烈之间摇摆不定。)


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