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- The word obstinate means being stubborn or refusing to change one’s opinion or behavior, even when faced with arguments or evidence. It describes someone who is determined and unwilling to give in or compromise.
- I believe the mule, often unfairly labeled as obstinate, is an exceptional creature in every aspect—except for its insistence on having a drink—when compared to the highly praised camel.
- Flight attendants have had to deal with a steady stream of obstinate and verbally offensive passengers since the onset of the pandemic, as indicated by safety reports submitted to the federal government.
- When NFL owners persisted in their obstinate pursuit of profit, Harris took on the role of speaking up and standing with his fellow union members by leading a strike against management.
- Pushing the boundaries of nature is a common practice in biotech research, and scientists are now developing a new wave of cannabis-derived antibiotics that can be tailored to effectively combat even the most obstinate disease-causing microorganisms.
- Obstinate这个单词做形容词使用,其表示“sticking to an opinion or purpose; resistant to change”这一含义,即“执拗的/固执的/顽固的”,与stubborn/adamant/intractable/tenacious这些单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- Whether due to apprehension regarding antitrust regulations or a preference to avoid overshadowing the Worldwide Developer Conference with a developer disagreement, Apple, typically known for its obstinate stance, has exhibited glimpses of willingness to compromise.(无论是出于对反垄断法规的担忧,还是为了避免开发者分歧使全球开发者大会黯然失色,通常以其固执立场而闻名的苹果公司已经表现出妥协意愿的一瞥。)
–Technology - They are employing tactics at different levels of government, from the highest office to state governors, to portray Republicans as obstinate when it comes to accepting climate science and hesitant in their response to address it.(他们正在各级政府中采用策略,从最高职位到州长,将共和党人描绘成在接受气候科学方面顽固不化,并在应对气候科学时犹豫不决。)
–Science - Facing strong opposition and labeled as an unfit nominee by The New York Times, Klein appeared to be in jeopardy as his opponents remained obstinate and determined, posing a significant challenge to his his final confirmation.(面对强烈的反对,并被《纽约时报》标记为不合适的候选人,克莱因似乎处于危险之中,因为他的对手仍然执拗且坚定,对他的最终当选构成了重大挑战。)
–News - While numerous major technology companies have resisted the right-to-repair movement, actively opposing multiple state and federal bills that seek to compel manufacturers to provide essential repair components to consumers, Apple has gained a reputation for being especially obstinate to such measures.(虽然许多大型科技公司抵制维修权运动,积极反对多项州和联邦法案,这些法案试图迫使制造商向消费者提供必要的维修组件,但苹果公司因特别顽固地采取这些措施而声名狼藉。)
–Business - In his younger years, Theodore Roosevelt referred to former President Benjamin Harrison as “an unfeeling, close-minded, biased, obstinate, cautious, elderly politician from Indianapolis.”(在他年轻的时候,西奥多·罗斯福将前总统本杰明·哈里森称为“一位来自印第安纳波利斯的无情,思想封闭,偏见,固执,谨慎,年迈的政治家。)