Image by Eugene Fitzherbert

  • 发音:[əbˈskjʊrəti]

  • 例句

  1. When using the word obscurity to describe a person or an organization, we mean that person or organization is in a state of not being well-known; also we can use the word to refer to something that is hard to understand because of its complexity.
  2. The mathematician lived in relative obscurity for years before becoming famous.
  3. First in his native Ohio and then, beginning in 1999, in New York City, Mr. Taylor worked hard for years in relative obscurity as a guitarist in minor rock bands and a sound engineer.
  4. Mr. Scott shocked the political world in 2010 when he rose out of relative obscurity to become governor after dumping $73 million of his own money into the race.
  5. In his classic 1987 work Speakable and Unspeakable in Quantum Mechanics, Bell scathes physicists who apply quantum mechanics while blithely disregarding its “fundamental obscurity”; he calls them “sleepwalkers.”
  6. Over the last three years, the company has emerged from obscurity to become the market leader in the booming consumer drone market, setting the pace for innovation in the category.

  • 解释

  1. Obscurity这个单词做名词使用,其表示“being in a state of not being well-known, or being hard to understand because of complexity or unclearness”这一含义,即“晦涩难懂/费解/默默无闻/不出名“,与ambiguity/ silence/anonymity这些单词构成近义词。实际使用中,该单词多用于表达某人或某组织等处于“默默无闻/不出名”这样的语意环境。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:

  • China’s Xiaomi, for example, went from relative obscurity to the top mobile phone seller in the Chinese market last year, clocking in at 240% sales growth, according to the tech research firm Canalys.(例如,根据技术研究公司Canalys的数据,中国的小米去年从相对默默无闻到中国市场最大的手机销售商,销售额增长了240%。)
  • Despite these promising results, the difficulties in observing bacteria and the formation of the crystals prevented further research and the idea faded for decades into obscurity.(尽管有这些有希望的结果,但观察细菌和晶体形成的困难阻碍了进一步的研究,这个想法几十年来逐渐消失,变得不为大家知晓。)
  • Her leap from obscurity to instant celebrity landed her on daytime talk shows and chatting with late-night hosts and made her the most talked about fighter in UFC.(她从默默无闻到即时名人的飞跃使她登上了白天的脱口秀节目并与深夜主持人聊天,使她成为 UFC 中最受关注的拳手。)
  • The painting, which hung for decades in relative obscurity in a municipal building in a small New Jersey town, has been newly restored and is now part of the “America’s Presidents” gallery.(这幅画在新泽西州一个小镇的一座市政建筑中相对默默无闻地悬挂了几十年,最近经过修复,现在是“美国总统”画廊的一部分。)


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