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  1. Nomenclature refers to the system or set of names or terms used in a particular field or subject. It helps us identify, classify, and communicate about objects, concepts, or organisms. In simpler terms, nomenclature is like a language or code that people in a specific area of study use to give names to things and have a common understanding.
  2. New discoveries and observations are shaping our knowledge about planetary systems, and it is crucial that our nomenclature for celestial objects aligns with our updated understanding.
  3. Incorrectly pronounced food terms are widespread, particularly with the growing popularity of new foods that introduce new words into our vocabulary and expand the realm of culinary nomenclature.
  4. During a discussion in the House of Lords, she expressed that “equality does not mean identicalness” and suggested that the union of same-sex individuals should have a distinct name instead of being referred to as marriage, requiring a separate nomenclature.
  5. Some of the individuals participating in our study expressed unease with the term “soft skills” and proposed alternative nomenclatures, such as “professional skills,” “leadership abilities,” or “emotional intelligence,” to better capture the essence of those qualities.


  1. Nomenclature这个单词做名词使用,其表示“a system of symbols especially in a particular science”这一含义,即“术语/命名法(尤指某类学科)/名称”,与terminology/designation这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • On 30 December, the US-based International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, the global organization responsible for overseeing chemical nomenclature, terminology, and measurement, officially confirmed the validity of the four discoveries.(12月30日,总部位于美国的国际纯粹与应用化学联合会,其负责监督化学命名、术语和测量的全球性组织,正式证实了这四项发现的有效性。)
  • The Synthetic Biology Open Language project is an online organizations working together to create a set of common nomenclatures, symbols, and tools to describe engineered systems in a standardized way.(合成生物学开放语言项目是一个在线小组,该组织共同创建一组通用命名法、符号和工具,以标准化方式描述工程系统。)
  • This fee schedule includes approximately 7,000 different nonsurgical and physician services, categorized using a nomenclature system that follows the Current Procedural Terminology, which is owned and protected by the American Medical Association.(该费用清单包括大约 7,000 种不同的非手术和医生服务,使用遵循当前程序术语的命名系统进行分类,该系统由美国医学协会拥有和保护。)
  • A more suitable nomenclature to use is “persons with disabilities” or “individual with a disability,” which prioritizes acknowledging the person as an individual before their disability, emphasizing their humanity and uniqueness.(更合适的术语是“残疾人”或“残疾人”,它优先考虑在残疾之前承认该人是个人,强调他们的人性和独特性。)
  • The widespread popularity of “Game of Thrones,” the Harry Potter books and movies, and “The Lord of the Rings” has brought fantasy storytelling into the mainstream, making nomenclature, like orcs and Valyrian steel, more widely known.(《权力的游戏》、哈利·波特的书籍和电影以及《指环王》的广泛流行将奇幻叙事带入了主流,使兽人和瓦雷利亚钢铁等命名法更加广为人知。)
  • While Apple’s other product ranges may present certain complexities, they are remarkably uncomplicated in comparison to RIM’s convoluted and perplexing nomenclature.(虽然苹果的其他产品系列可能表现出某些复杂性,但与RIM令人费解和令人困惑的命名法相比,它们并不复杂。)


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