Image by prostooleh

  • 发音:[moʊˈmentəs]

  • 例句

  1. The word momentous refers to describe something of great importance or significance. It can be used to describe an event, decision, or action that has a significant impact on people or society.
  2. New data released this week by the Chinese government revealed that China’s population has begun to shrink, a momentous shift that will have broad ripple effects both domestically and globally.
  3. The country is suffering another momentous assault, a pandemic that has claimed about 400 U.S. lives every day for months now and has killed more than 1 million Americans.
  4. Investors are still grappling with the Fed’s momentous decision to raise interest rates by three-quarters of a percentage point.
  5. The discovery of life on Mars, either in the form of ancient fossils or subterranean reservoirs, would be one of the most momentous breakthroughs in human history.

  • 解释

  1. Momentous这个单词做形容词使用,其表示“having great or lasting importance, often used in a positive sense, such as to describe a momentous achievement, discovery, or breakthrough”这一含义,即“关键的/重要的/重大的”,与consequential/important/significant/historic这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 注意,该单词除了上述用于积极场景的情况,也可以描述消极情况,表示“describe a momentous tragedy, disaster, or failure”,即“严重的/极其巨大的”。

  3. 具体使用场景如下:

  • In 1873, Cambridge, like Oxford, was in the act of opening a state-of-the-art physics laboratory, and James Clerk Maxwell, the first Cavendish Professor of Physics at Cambridge, published his momentous Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism.(1873年,剑桥和牛津大学一样,正在开设一个最先进的物理实验室,剑桥大学第一位卡文迪什物理学教授詹姆斯·克拉克·麦克斯韦发表了他重要的《电和磁论》。)
  • Some of the government efforts may be misplaced or counterproductive, but this clash is not going away, and its outcomes will be both unpredictable and momentous.(政府的一些努力可能是错位的或适得其反的,但这种冲突不会消失,其结果将是不可预测的,也是严重的。)
  • This jobs report is inconsequential because the economy is at a momentous inflection point — what matters is not what happened in the last few weeks, but where things end up several weeks from now.(这份就业报告无关紧要,因为经济正处于一个重要的拐点——重要的不是过去几周发生了什么,而是几周后事情的结局。)
  • On Tuesday, outside experts will meet and discuss the data to inform the Food and Drug Administration’s decision on one of the most momentous remaining questions for the pandemic.(周二,外部专家将开会讨论数据,为美国食品和药物管理局就大流行最重要的剩余问题之一做出决定。)


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