• 发音: [mɪsˈkɑnˌdʌkt]

  • 例句:

  1. We use misconduct to describe a behavior that is not right, improper, or illegal.
  2. The Luckin Coffee Inc. once committed financial fraud, which is a misconduct for listed enterprises.
  3. When a company has uncovered criminal misconduct in its operations, the clearest path to avoiding a guilty plea or an indictment is voluntary self-disclosure.
  4. The Oscar-winning actor Kevin Spacey pleaded not guilty in a hearing at a London court on Friday to seven more charges of sexual misconduct, the BBC and other British news outlets reported.
  5. Given how common fraud is at audited public companies, Mr. Dyck said, misconduct is likely even more pervasive in privately held businesses, particularly in crypto, which is only loosely regulated.

  • 解释:

  1. Misconduct这个单词用作名词使用,其表示“improper or unlawful behavior”这一含义,即“行为不端/失职/处理不当”,与wrongdoing/malfeasance/misbehavior这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • We have zero tolerance for this kind of misconduct and will not hesitate to take action against any employee when we find wrongdoing.(我们对此类不当行为零容忍,当我们发现不当行为时,我们会毫不犹豫地对任何员工采取行动。)
  • Tesla’s blog post said it has always disciplined and terminated employees who engage in misconduct, including those who use racial slurs or harass others.(特斯拉的博客文章称,它一直对从事不当行为的员工进行纪律处分和解雇,包括那些使用种族诽谤或骚扰他人的员工。)
  • The witnesses were all women who worked in different fields and described a range of experiences of misconduct, from verbal harassment to outright assault.(证人都是在不同领域工作的女性,他们描述了一系列不当行为的经历,从口头骚扰到直接攻击。)


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