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  1. The term metaphorical refers to the use of metaphors in language or expression. A metaphor is a figure of speech that compares two unrelated things by stating that one thing is another. It involves using a word or phrase in a way that goes beyond its literal meaning to create a deeper understanding or convey a particular idea or image.
  2. In Chinese, there are numerous traditional sayings that mention the tiger, using metaphorical meanings to represent individuals we commonly refer to as bullies or social tigers.
  3. The scientists made the decision not to adjust the Doomsday Clock, which was previously moved forward by 20 seconds in 2020, setting it at 100 seconds to midnight, symbolizing the metaphorical time indicating a global catastrophe.
  4. According to Santa Claus’s metaphorical marketing elves, despite the travel restrictions imposed worldwide due to Covid-19, Santa Claus will continue to fly his reindeer-driven sleigh from the North Pole to your local mall.
  5. By using aliens as a metaphorical representation, it is possible to discuss significant social issues that involve people of different colors, cultures, races, or other characteristics.


  1. Metaphorical这个单词做形容词使用,其表示“expressing abstract concepts by drawing connections to more concrete or familiar ideas“这一含义,即“隐喻的/含比喻的/比喻性的”,与figurative/figural/symbolic这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 注意,使用该单词的重点在于含义在于“It often involves using vivid, imaginative, or symbolic language to evoke emotions, create imagery, or convey abstract concepts. By drawing comparisons, metaphors help us relate to complex ideas or experiences by linking them to more familiar or tangible elements.”,即“它通常涉及使用生动、富有想象力或象征性的语言来唤起情感、创造图像或传达抽象概念。通过进行比较,隐喻通过将复杂的想法或经验与更熟悉或有形的元素联系起来,帮助我们与复杂的想法或经验联系起来。”

  3. 具体使用场景如下:
  • The Los Angeles solar charging system serves as a metaphorical parachute for most people, as it helps slow down the battery drain of their devices, reducing the need for frequent recharging.(洛杉矶太阳能充电系统对大多数人来说是一个隐喻着陆器,因为它有助于减缓设备的电池消耗,减少频繁充电的需要。)
  • Certain individuals analyzing the film have made the assumption that everything Michael witnesses and encounters holds a metaphorical meaning, while others have taken the stance that these events are unfolding in the most literal sense imaginable.(某些分析这部电影的人认为迈克尔目睹和遇到的一切都具有隐喻意义,而另一些人则认为这些事件正在以可以想象的最字面意义上展开。)
  • During the 1970s and 1980s, a significant milestone in computing was the development of the graphical user interface, which involved transitioning from text-based commands to organizing tools and folders in a metaphorical representation of a “desktop.”(在 1970 年代和 1980 年代,计算的一个重要里程碑是图形用户界面的发展,它涉及从基于文本的命令过渡到以“桌面”的隐喻表示形式组织工具和文件夹。)
  • In the near future, in-car biometric systems could bridge the gap between body and machine, moving beyond metaphorical associations and establishing a literal connection by monitoring drivers’ emotional state and physical health.(在不久的将来,车载生物识别系统可以弥合身体和机器之间的差距,超越隐喻联想,通过监测驾驶员的情绪状态和身体健康来建立文字联系。)
  • We have a designed a metaphorical data Cloud where we can store our searches, photos, games, links, tweets, favorites and other cyber-babble.(我们设计了一个隐喻性数据云,我们可以在其中存储我们的搜索、照片、游戏、链接、推文、收藏夹和其他网络喋喋不休。)


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