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- In general usage, “mediocrity” is a noun that refers to the quality or state of being average, ordinary, or unremarkable. It is often used to describe something that is neither exceptionally good nor exceptionally bad, but rather falls somewhere in the middle.
- Recognizing that this description might paint the movie as no different from the countless other family-focused animated films, it saddens me to convey that the Lego movie franchise has purposefully embraced mediocrity.
- In the fiercely competitive landscape of the tech startup industry, embracing mediocrity is a perilous course of action. To stand shoulder to shoulder with industry giants such as Apple and Google, we must consistently innovate, deliver exceptional products and services, and never settle for mediocrity.
- In the realm of contemporary art, where visionaries like Picasso and Warhol have set the bar high, aspiring to mediocrity stifles creativity and fails to contribute to the vibrant tapestry of human expression.
- While some may advocate for mediocrity in culture, arguing for a status quo devoid of dynamic exchanges of ideas and values, it’s essential to recognize that genuine societal progress thrives in the fertile ground of diverse perspectives and the relentless pursuit of excellence, where deeper understanding and true innovation take root.
- Transcending mediocrity in sports, athletes distinguish themselves by not merely participating but by relentlessly pursuing excellence, engaging in rigorous training, and demonstrating unwavering dedication.
- Mediocrity这个单词做名词使用,其表示“the quality of being average or not very good”这一含义,即“平庸/普通/平常/不出众/一般化/碌碌无为”,与averageness /ordinariness /mundanity /everydayness这些单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos, renowned pioneers in the technology industry, exemplify how vehemently rejecting mediocrity and fostering relentless innovation, continuous adaptation, and a ceaseless drive to push the boundaries of what’s possible, propels individuals to the forefront as industry leaders.(埃隆·马斯克和杰夫·贝佐斯是技术行业的知名先驱,他们举例说明了如何强烈拒绝平庸,促进不懈的创新,不断适应,以及不断推动突破可能性界限的动力,推动个人成为行业领导者。)
–Technology - Prominent figures like Marie Curie and Albert Einstein firmly objected mediocrity in the field of science. Their tireless dedication, groundbreaking discoveries, and unwavering commitment to advancing human understanding distinguished them from their peers and secured their enduring legacies.(像居里夫人和阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦这样的知名人士坚决反对科学领域的碌碌无为。他们孜孜不倦的奉献精神、突破性的发现以及对促进人类理解的坚定承诺使他们从同行中脱颖而出,并确保了他们不朽的遗产。)
–Science - Incorporating individuals who aren’t trained actors, using video footage spread across four screens, and even including outtakes and mistakes, the work effectively underscores the book’s theme of contrasting great ambitions with mediocrity.(这部作品融合了没有受过训练的演员,使用分布在四个屏幕上的视频片段,甚至包括了外卖和错误,有效地强调了这本书的主题,即把伟大的野心与平庸进行对比。)
–Arts - While Netflix continues to produce exceptional shows such as dramas like “Stranger Things” and “The Crown” or prestigious documentaries like “Last Chance U,” these gems are becoming overshadowed by a growing stack of mediocrity.(虽然 Netflix 继续制作出色的节目,如《怪奇物语》和《王冠》等剧集,或《最后的机会你》,但这些宝石正被越来越多的普通作品所掩盖。)