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  1. When we say someone is “malevolent,” we mean that they have a strong desire to intentionally harm others or cause them trouble. Malevolent individuals actively seek ways to hurt or upset people, and they may even find joy or satisfaction in doing so.
  2. In this 80-minute digital piece for Shakespeare Theatre Company, he directs his attention and versatile talents towards exploring some of Shakespeare’s most well-known, deeply malevolent, and sometimes even cherished characters.
  3. The whistleblower accuses Facebook of disregarding evidence pointing to the use of fake accounts for undermining global elections and political affairs, while overwhelmed junior-level employees were left to handle the task of arbitrarily monitoring malevolent activities.
  4. Before the sudden disruption caused by the coronavirus outbreak, the sight of masks worn in public spaces in the Western world evoked images of malevolent clowns and terrifying fictional villains.
  5. He levels accusations against Nissan executives in Japan, claiming they conspired with prosecutors and the government in a calculated campaign led by a small group of malevolent individuals to tarnish his reputation and cast doubt on his character.


  1. Malevolent这个单词做形容词使用,其表示“having or showing a desire to harm other people”这一含义,即“有恶意的/有坏心肠的/恶毒的”,与malicious/evil/vicious这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • While observing the celestial movement of this “wandering star” during the third millennium B.C.E., the Sumerians took note of its foreboding hue and connected it with the malevolent deity Nergal, who personified plague and warfare.(在公元前三千年观察这颗“流浪之星”的天体运动时,苏美尔人注意到了它的不祥色调,并将其与恶毒的神Nergal联系起来,后者是瘟疫和战争的化身。)
  • With advancing expertise, scientists are progressively able to engineer genetically modified microorganisms that possess qualities seen as advantageous, although they also harbor the potential for malevolent intentions.(随着专业知识的进步,科学家们逐渐能够设计出具有被视为有利品质的转基因微生物,尽管他们有时也具有恶意意图的潜力。)
  • If we were to visualize them through a miniature version of Google Earth, zooming in and out, it would unveil a small yet malevolent cosmos, where a human figure is enveloped by a shimmering, bacteria-infused cloud resembling the shape of a human.(如果我们通过谷歌地球的微型再现来可视化它们,放大和缩小,它将揭示一个小巧而邪恶的宇宙,其中人类形象被闪闪发光的细菌注入的云所笼罩,且该云形类似于人类的形状。)
  • Such arguments are frequently disregarded as “conspiracy theories” that ascribe consequential events to the malevolent undertakings of governments or clandestine and influential factions.(这些论点经常被当作“阴谋论”,将后果归咎于政府或秘密和有影响力的派别的恶意事业。)
  • As concerns regarding Earth’s interstellar neighbors intensify, authorities grow wary of the possibility of encountering a highly advanced and malevolent civilization, prompting them to contemplate the termination of her program.(随着对地球星际邻居的担忧加剧,当局对遇到高度先进和恶意文明的可能性越来越警惕,促使他们考虑终止她的计划。)


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