  1. We use lucrative to describe a business or investment that makes money. 
  2. The business has proved to be highly lucrative, since the profits have tripled during the last three years.
  3. The new manager’s mission was to turn the failing store into a lucrative operation.
  4. Some early revenue projections included anticipated broadcasting deals with Twitch and YouTube that were less lucrative and consistent than expected.
  5. The changes sounded technical, but they represented lucrative concessions to the gambling industry and key campaign donors.
  6. The new measures are intended to make the tour more lucrative for top players and more compelling to fans while also providing stability for younger golfers.

  1. Lucrative为形容词,其表示“something makes money or something is profitable”这一含义,即“获利的/赚大钱的”,该单词与profitable/gainful为近义词。这个单词表示做某事,比如商业、投资等活动,能够带来大量利润。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • Nowadays, a great majority of parents impart to their children the idea that studying hard at school is the best way to pursue a lucrative career in the future. (现在越来越多的父母向他们的孩子灌输一种思想:努力学习是未来能够在职场赚大钱的最好方式。)
  • Operators in Texas and New Mexico are enjoying an especially lucrative year, far removed from the public eye or investor concerns about ESG.(德克萨斯州和新墨西哥州的运营商正在享受特别丰收的一年,远离公众视线或投资者对 ESG 的担忧。)
  • More and more investors argue that 2023 will be the most lucrative year for stock market investment in the next 5 years. (越来越多的股民认为2023年将是接下来5年中股市投资最赚钱的一年。)


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