Image by master1305

  • 发音:[loʊˈkweɪʃəs]

  • 例句

  1. Loquacious is an adjective that describes someone who talks a lot or speaks at great length about various topics, often in a way that is considered overly talkative or full of excessive speakings.
  2. His quiet demeanour was in sharp contrast to the loquacious manner he displayed in the White House when he worked there and, before that, when he worked in the media.
  3. Clinton’s address at the virtual convention will be limited to just five minutes – hardly enough time for the famously loquacious Clinton to get warmed up.
  4. At a press conference in Japan, the normally loquacious Barack Obama refused to take a question from a journalist asking whether the email scandal undermined Clinton’s “trustworthiness”.
  5. He’s known as a much more cautious and reluctant public speaker than his loquacious older brother Fidel, who was given to talking for hours at a time and often directly with journalists.

  • 解释

  1. Loquacious这个单词做形容词使用,其表示“full of excessive talk”这一含义,即“话多的/健谈的/喋喋不休的”,与talkative/wordy/garrulous这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:

  • Facing a series of cyberspace critics, the loquacious leader known for speeches that last hours made a revolutionary move on Wednesday, sending his first message on Twitter, where his missives are limited to 140 characters.(面对一系列网络空间的批评者,这位以演讲而闻名的健谈的领导人在周三做出了革命性的举动,在Twitter上发送了他的第一条消息,他的信件限制在140个字符以内。)
  • Although the loquacious politician loves to talk about his parents and his wife and kids in speeches and memoirs, he declined to be interviewed for this story.(尽管这位健谈的政治家喜欢在演讲和回忆录中谈论他的父母、妻子和孩子,但他拒绝接受采访。)
  • The loquacious old man opens up about his past, sharing the sorrow of losing his wife and the regret that she was unable to finish teaching him to read and write.(这位健谈的老人敞开心扉讲述了他的过去,分享了失去妻子的悲伤和她无法完成教他阅读和写作的遗憾。)
  • His loquacious tendencies often got him into trouble, as he couldn’t resist sharing personal information or gossip with anyone who would listen.(他的喋喋不休的倾向经常给他带来麻烦,因为他无法抗拒与任何愿意倾听的人分享个人信息或八卦。)


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