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  1. Lethal” refers to something capable of causing death. It’s commonly used to describe substances, weapons, or situations that have the potential to result in fatal outcomes. For instance, a lethal dose of a medication is an amount that could cause death if consumed.
  2. In various contexts, “lethal” can refer to different degrees of danger or harm, from being potentially deadly to outright fatal. It’s crucial in fields like medicine, law enforcement, and toxicology where understanding the lethality of a substance or situation is essential for making informed decisions to prevent harm.
  3. The series, situated in South Korea, tracks a group of desperate, financially struggling participants engaging in lethal risky versions of childhood games in pursuit of a prize worth approximately $40 million USD.
  4. The well-documented risks of the coronavirus for older individuals are evident, especially within nursing homes where the virus can rapidly spread among residents, proving particularly lethal in its impact.
  5. Extensive regions across the globe, spanning from the U.S. to China, faced intense heat waves propelled by a lethal mix of human-induced climate change and the cyclical climatic phenomenon referred to as El Niño.
  6. Critics have raised concerns about TikTok, citing its addictive nature and expressing worries about its algorithm, which has been accused of inundating teenagers with videos that expose them to hazardous and potentially lethal situations.

  1. Lethal这个单词做形容词使用,其表示“dangerous enough to cause death”这一含义,即“致命的/可致死的/危害极大的/破坏性极大的”,与poisonous /fatal /deadly这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • More than 4,000 Google employees signed a letter demanding Google’s withdrawal from Project Maven, as they believed the project’s utilization of artificial intelligence posed potentially lethal implications.(超过 4,000 名谷歌员工签署了一封信,要求谷歌退出 Project Maven,因为他们认为该项目对人工智能的利用可能会造成致命的影响。)
  • In the realm of suicide prevention, a novel and broader strategy involves training individuals, who lack formal psychology backgrounds, in a practice termed “lethal means counseling,” expanding the scope beyond traditional hotline responders.(在预防自杀领域,一种新颖而更广泛的策略涉及对缺乏正式心理学背景的个人进行培训,这种做法被称为“致命手段咨询”,从而将预防范围扩大到传统热线响应者之外。)
  • Last summer, athletes were empowered by nationwide protests against lethal police actions towards Black men and the underlying systemic societal issues that facilitated such incidents.(去年夏天,全国范围内的抗议活动使运动员获得了权力,抗议警察对黑人的致命行动以及促成此类事件的潜在系统性社会问题。)
  • Earlier in the week, the company ceased production when a batch from its Columbus, Ohio facility showed signs of Listeria, a bacteria that can thrive in unpasteurized dairy products and pose potentially lethal risks.(本周早些时候,该公司停止了生产。当时俄亥俄州哥伦布市工厂的一批产品出现了李斯特菌的迹象,李斯特菌是一种可以在未经巴氏消毒的乳制品中茁壮成长并构成潜在致命风险的细菌。)
  • The lethal impact of Ebola in upper West Africa wasn’t solely due to the virus itself guaranteeing death, but rather stemmed from the absence of crucial healthcare resources in countries like Liberia and Sierra Leone.(埃博拉病毒对上西非的致命影响不仅仅是因为病毒本身保证了死亡,而是源于利比里亚和塞拉利昂等国缺乏关键的医疗资源。)
    –Arts and Culture


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