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  • 发音:[ˈlækˌlʌstər]

  • 例句

  1. Lackluster is applied to describe something that is lacking in brilliance or vitality. It can describe things that are dull, unimpressive, or underwhelming.
  2. Faced with lackluster ticket sales and a cash shortfall, the company has withdrawn $23 million from its endowment and cut the number of performances next season by about 10 percent.
  3. The former president repaid that support by blaming some of those very same supporters for the GOP’s lackluster midterm performance after coming under fire himself for the results by pundits.
  4. Investors are swinging between optimism about a possible coronavirus vaccine that helped to propel an earlier market rally and unease about lackluster U.S. economic activity.
  5. Ronaldo was coming off lackluster performances in the group stage, though he scored in the 3-2 win against Ghana to become the first player to score in five World Cups.
  6. The company has lost nearly half of its market value since lackluster sales tarnished the September launch of the first new weight-loss pill in the United States for 13 years.

  • 解释:
  1. Lackluster这个单词做形容词使用,其表示“lacking in brilliance or vitality, or being dull, unimpressive, or underwhelming”这一含义,即“无光泽的/暗淡的/无生气的/无活力的/乏善可陈的/表现平庸的”,与dull/somber/murky这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:

  • Although Apple CEO Tim Cook told investors on a call yesterday that TV Plus was “off to a robust start,” some of its biggest shows were viewed as lackluster by critics.(尽管苹果首席执行官蒂姆·库克昨天在电话会议上告诉投资者,TV Plus“开局强劲”,但其一些最大的节目被批评者视为乏善可陈。)
  • Alibaba Group’s plans are part of an overall deal being discussed by Yahoo, the Internet pioneer which is under pressure from its investors to turn aroundlackluster performance.(阿里巴巴集团的计划是雅虎正在讨论的整体交易的一部分,这家互联网先驱 — 雅虎 — 正受到投资者的压力,要求扭转低迷的表现。)
  • The film received a lackluster 38% on Rotten Tomatoes — but audiences appeared to enjoy it more than critics, giving it a 75% rating on the site.(这部电影在烂番茄上获得了38%的低迷打分 – 但观众似乎比评论家更喜欢它,在网站上给了它75%的评分。)
    —Arts and Culture
  • Ronaldo was coming off lackluster performances in the group stage, though he scored in the 3-2 win against Ghana to become the first player to score in five World Cups.(罗纳尔多在小组赛阶段的表现乏善可陈,尽管他在3-2战胜加纳的比赛中得分,成为第一位在五届世界杯上进球的球员。)


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