
Image by Noe De Angelis

  • 发音:[ɪnˈtriɡ]

  • 例句

  1. To intrigue means to arouse someone’s curiosity or interest by something mysterious, puzzling or secretive, often resulting in a desire to learn more.
  2. Intrigue can also work as a noun, meaning a secret and often complex scheme or plot, especially involving political or espionage activities, that is designed to achieve a specific goal.
  3. As technology professionals move into other industries, they are finding new frontiers — fresh problems and intriguing data sets.
  4. Such research intrigues evolutionary biologists because it shows that modern humans quickly acquired gene variants from Neanderthals that may still influence how some of us respond to diseases today.
  5. It is the fundamental question of where man came from and how we evolved, which most intrigues the 74-year-old director – whose other films include Gladiator and Blade Runner.
  6. There are all kinds of catastrophes and intrigues, and the atmosphere is like a murder mystery, in which the murder never actually happens – although there is a death.

  • 解释

  1. Intrigue这个单词做动词使用,其表示“to arouse someone’s curiosity or interest by something mysterious, puzzling or secretive, or o engage in a secret plan to accomplish evil or unlawful ends”这一含义,即“激起兴趣/引发好奇心/密谋/密谋策划”,与interest/fascinate/plot/conspire这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 除了动词外,intrigue这个单词也可以做名词使用,表示“the practice of engaging in secret schemes”这一含义,即“阴谋/密谋/阴谋诡计/密谋策划”,与conspiracy/plot/scheme这些单词构成近义词。

  3. 具体使用场景如下:

  • The assassination storyline is driven by myth and drama, not substance, and so it is not unlike the current personal dramas and intrigues commanding our discourse daily.(暗杀的故事情节是由神话和戏剧驱动的,而不是实质的,因此它与当前每天支配我们话语的个人场景和阴谋诡计没有什么不同。)
  • It also intrigues me that the school district and police department came to this decision in private and omitted a public announcement until one week after the policy had taken effect.(同样令我感兴趣的是,学区和警察局私下做出了这一决定,直到政策生效一周后才发布公告。)
  • Tons of evidence point to the fact that the leading manufacturers had intrigued to keep prices artificially high.(大量证据表明,领先的制造商一直密谋策划人为地保持高价。)
  • She relies on the New Yorker for new music recommendations, and if a review intrigues her, she’ll look up the artist on YouTube.(她依靠《纽约客》提供新的音乐推荐,如果评论引起了她的兴趣,她会在YouTube上查找这位艺术家。)
  • The presidential campaign was marked by a chaotic succession of judicial decisions, intrigues, illegal party changes and accusations of bad practices that truncated the candidacies of two of the three presidential favorites.(总统竞选的特点是一系列混乱的司法判决、阴谋、非法政党更迭和对不良做法的指控,这些做法截断了三个总统宠儿中两个的候选人资格。)


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