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  • 发音:[ɪnˈtræktəb(ə)l]

  • 例句

  1. The term intractable is an adjective that describes a situation, a problem, or a person that is difficult or impossible to deal with or control.
  2. In the case of a problem or situation, intractable implies that it is extremely challenging or complicated, and that it is not easily resolved or overcome. When used to describe a person, intractable often refers to someone who is difficult to manage or work with, either because of their personality, attitude, or behavior.
  3. Misinformation and disinformation have become more and more intractable in recent years, and the increased fragmentation of news in the digital era makes solutions hard to come by.
  4. The new era in treating previously intractable diseases began with huge scientific leaps after the turn of the century, allowing researchers to find genes they could target to treat cancers and other diseases.
  5. The CEO of the company was known for his intractable personality, which made it difficult for his subordinates to provide him with feedback or suggestions for improvement.

  • 解释

  1. Intractable这个单词做形容词使用,其表示“difficult or impossible to deal with or control”这一含义,即“很难对付的/倔强的/难处理的/难对付的”,与stubborn/rebellious/uncontrollable这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • The team’s intractable leader refused to consider any suggestions or changes to their strategy, despite mounting evidence that it was not working.(该团队桀骜不驯的领导者拒绝考虑任何建议或改变他们的战略,尽管越来越多的证据表明它不起作用。)
  • Recently, McKinsey has begun telling new recruits that they would be working to solve some of the world’s most intractable problems, targeting issues like poverty and climate change.(最近,麦肯锡开始告诉新员工,他们将努力解决世界上一些最棘手的问题,针对贫困和气候变化等问题。)
  • The biggest problem may be intractable differences over intellectual property protections, especially for pharmaceutical companies developing the next generation of medicines known as biologics.(最大的问题可能是知识产权保护方面的棘手分歧,特别是对于开发下一代生物制剂药物的制药公司而言。)
  • In these areas, AI and machine learning are being applied to solve the most intractable technological problems that come with media fragmentation.(在这些领域,人工智能和机器学习正被用于解决媒体碎片化带来的最棘手的技术问题。)


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