• 发音: [ˈɪntrəst]

  • 例句

  1. If you want to describe something you like, enjoy or think useful, you can say it interests me a lot.
  2. Today, when famous people retire, many of them interest themselves in charity work.
  3. If you think folk music interests you, then you probably will follow Bob Dylan on Twitter.
  4. Celebrity news doesn’t typically interest me, but a quote from the actor Tom Hanks recently caught my eye.
  5. This promotion will certainly interest many potential sign-ups, as no other sports-book can top $1,500 of protection.

  • 解释

  1. Interest这个单词的含义较多,实际使用过程中,大部分时间大家会碰到其名词含义及用法场景。不过,这里主要给大家分享其动词含义及在实际语境中的使用。当interest做动词时,其表示“excite the curiosity of or engage the interest of something”这一含义,即“使感兴趣/使关注”,与attract/engage/appeal/intrigue/excite这些动词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景有如下:
  • In recent years, an increasing number of people in China find that politics interests themselves. (近年来,越来越多的中国人发现自己对政治感兴趣。)
  • The movie Avatar: The Way of Water has been on in theaters for several weeks, for a majority of movie-goers, this film still interest them a lot. (电影《阿凡达:水之道》已经在影院上映了好几个星期,对于大多数电影观众来说,这部电影仍然让他们很感兴趣。)
  • Although many brokers use high returns to interest ordinary people to join the securities market, most people are still skeptical about the future of the stock market. (尽管许多券商利用高回报来吸引普通人加入证券市场,但大多数人仍然对股市的未来持怀疑态度。)
  • Although most of the vloggers are trying to interest the public by creating anxiety on some issues people concern, eventually this business model is destined to fail.(尽管大多数视频博主都试图通过在人们关注的一些问题上制造焦虑来引起公众的兴趣,但最终这种商业模式注定要失败。)


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