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  1. The word intelligible means something that can be easily understood or comprehended. It refers to information, language, or communication that is clear and makes sense to the person receiving it.
  2. There exist political novels, such as those by Disraeli, that are only accessible and intelligible to individuals who delve into the study of politics and political personalities, and if we were to regard them solely as stories, they would not be worth mentioning.
  3. For a system of philosophy to truly deserve its title, it must include specific, foundational principles that render all phenomena in the universe intelligible to the human mind.
  4. As early as World War II, mathematicians Norbert Wiener and Julian Bigelow grasped the importance of feedback, which involves the ability of devices conveying information in a manner that is easily intelligible to users.
  5. The availability of masks, including the highly effective N95 mask, is abundant, and the necessity and feasibility of maintaining a safe distance between individuals is intelligible to people of all ages and backgrounds.


  1. Intelligible这个单词做形容词使用,其表示“being able to be easily understood”这一含义,即“易懂的/容易理解的/可理解的/明白易懂的”,与comprehensible/understandable这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • The foundation praised Weber, who is 63 years old, for his dedication to making scientific histories and information intelligible to a broad readership by ensuring the availability of comprehensive and meaningful narratives that can be easily understood.(该基金会赞扬了现年63岁的韦伯,他致力于通过确保提供易于理解的全面而有意义的叙述,使科学历史和信息能够为广大读者所理解。)
  • The team “reinforced” its AI’s ability to produce intelligible questions by providing feedback whenever people responded to inquiries, prompting the system to modify its internal operations to replicate such behavior in subsequent instances.(该团队通过在人们回答查询时提供反馈来“加强”其人工智能产生可理解问题的能力,促使系统修改其内部操作以在后续实例中复制此类行为。)
  • The findings indicate that our vocal membranes developed over time to enhance the stability and intelligible of our speech, enabling us to effectively communicate increasingly complex information.(研究结果表明,我们的声膜随着时间的推移而发展,以增强我们说话的稳定性和可理解性,使我们能够有效地传达日益复杂的信息。)
  • Newton held a belief that he initially managed to develop a mathematical understanding of motion that rendered the workings of the entire cosmos intelligible, without overtly referencing that belief.(牛顿相信,他最初设法发展了对运动的数学理解,使整个宇宙的运作变得清晰可辨,但没有公开引用这种信念。)
  • Using only data collected from neural activity, the algorithmic systems could decipher what was being said, and produce intelligible synthetic versions of the imitated sentences.(仅使用从神经活动收集的数据,算法系统可以破译所说的内容,并生成可理解的模拟句子的合成版本。)


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