Image by Ann H
- If someone is inquisitive, then that person is prone to ask questions because of his or her curiosity about things.
- Yee’s father remembered that his son was voraciously inquisitive about the world as a young boy — fascinated by the different varieties of clouds, trucks and dinosaurs.
- The key to parenting in the age of Alexa and Google, according to parents and child-development experts, is making sure the machine doesn’t replace good, inquisitive interaction between parents and kids.
- Neighbors were shocked when F.B.I. agents surrounded Heinel’s house on a narrow, quiet side street just before dawn 10 days ago to arrest her, instructing an inquisitive neighbor to go back in his house.
- At its core, the show is actually about being a scientist: the importance of knowledge, of being inquisitive about the world, and of being ethical in what you use technology to do.
- Inquisitive这个单词为形容词,其表示“being prone to ask questions”这一含义,即“好学的/好奇的/兴趣广泛的”,与curious/interested/wondering这些单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- For some, Hawaii is where they fell in love with surfing, with warm water inviting to newcomers and the islands’ rich history a lure for inquisitive adventurers.(对于一些人来说,夏威夷是他们爱上冲浪的地方,温暖的海水吸引着新来者,岛屿丰富的历史吸引了好奇的冒险家。)
—Arts and Culture - Officials at the home described her as an inquisitive person who likes smart conversation and who is known as “Big Sister” for her outspokenness and her advocacy for fellow residents.(该家庭的官员将她描述为一个好奇的人,喜欢聪明的谈话,并因其直言不讳和对同胞的倡导而被称为“大姐姐”。)
—News - Like many and perhaps all organisms, we humans are inquisitive creatures, and language is our main means of swapping information, which could be defined as answers to explicit or implicit questions.(像很多、也许是所有生物一样,我们人类是兴趣广泛的生物,语言是我们交换信息的主要手段,可以定义为对显性或隐性问题的答案。)
—Science - While tech companies in Silicon Valley will tell you they want the best candidates for the job, they might not be able to easily spot the “inquisitive minds” among the candidate pool.(虽然硅谷的科技公司会告诉你他们想要这份工作的最佳候选人,但他们可能无法轻易发现候选人库中那些“好奇之心”。)