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  1. The word “iniquitous” means very unfair or extremely wrong, especially in a moral or ethical sense. It’s used to describe actions, behaviors, or situations that are extremely unjust or wicked. For example, you might use “iniquitous” to talk about a situation where someone is treated very unfairly, or when there’s a severe moral wrongdoing.
  2. In the haunting narrative of ‘White Tears,’ we uncover the iniquitous history of white cultural appropriation from the black community, revealing its intricate and dark complexity.
  3. In a lawyer-released statement, Ms. Damond’s family expressed their approval of the decision to file charges, deeming it a significant move in the pursuit of justice for this iniquitous act.
  4. Throughout the 20th century, photographers skillfully addressed various challenges, including issues such as iniquitous social housing, child labor, oppressive working conditions, injustices within asylums, apartheid, war, and famine.
  5. It is a widely held belief that their choices will ultimately dictate whether India transforms into a highly iniquitous and turbulent society or evolves into a more inclusive and stable one.
  6. The discrimination and violence faced by members of the LGBT community in many parts of the world are iniquitous, highlighting the urgent need for greater acceptance, tolerance, and equal rights.
  7. When authors approach the topics of cyber-security and cyber-hacking irresponsibly, solely to stoke fear, it becomes evident that their subpar and potentially iniquitous actions are regrettable, harmful, and do not contribute effectively to the rational fight against cyber-security threats and cyber-hacking challenges.

  1. Iniquitous这个单词做形容词使用,其表示“truly bad, morally wrong, extremely wicked, or completely unfair”这一含义,即“邪恶的/很不公正的/极其错误的/不正当的”,与evil/immoral/vicious//wicked等单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • In the eyes of Corporate America and conservatives, the concept of the government making decisions about funding and allocation is seen as deeply iniquitous.(在美国企业和保守派眼中,政府对资金和分配做出决定的概念被视为邪恶的。)
  • Environmental activists are rallying against the iniquitous pollution levels caused by irresponsible industries, which release harmful chemicals into the air and water, harming both the environment and public health.(环保活动家正在团结起来,反对不负责任的行业造成的不正当污染,这些行业将有害化学物质释放到空气和水中,损害环境和公众健康。)
  • The iniquitous discrimination against certain racial and ethnic groups, including unfair hiring practices and unequal access to educational opportunities, has been a long-standing issue that society must address to ensure equality for all citizens.(对某些种族和族裔群体的不公平歧视,包括不公平的招聘做法和不平等的教育机会,一直是社会必须解决的一个长期问题,以确保所有公民的平等。)
  • Davies accused Charles Darwin of plagiarizing ideas from Wallace’s Ternate paper, labeling it as an iniquitous and deliberate act of intellectual theft, deceit, and falsehood.(戴维斯指责查尔斯·达尔文剽窃了华莱士的《特尔纳特》论文中的观点,称其为一种不正当和蓄意的智力盗窃、欺骗和虚假行为。)
  • Despite any iniquitous behavior that may arise from 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, the concept of cosmopolitanism, which promotes a moral community among people regardless of their social and political ties, remains strong and alive.(尽管宾夕法尼亚大道 1600 号可能出现任何不公平的行为,但世界主义的概念仍然强大而活跃,它促进人们之间的道德共同体,无论他们的社会和政治关系如何。)


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