Image by wayhomestudio

  • 发音:[ɪnˈhɪbɪt]

  • 例句

  1. To inhibit means to prevent or slow down something from happening or to control or restrain a behavior or action.
  2. The outbreak of World War Two inhibited the club’s film-making activities but female members kept the society going, organizing fundraising events to help with the mortgage payments.
  3. Drought in Texas threatens to inhibit the operation of steam-generated, or thermal, power plants, according to the North American Electric Reliability Corp., potentially triggering power shortages in the event of extreme heat.
  4. The scientists were also intrigued by another pathogen they found on many of those same hedgehogs: a skin fungus that produces a penicillin-like substance which inhibits the growth of staphylococcus aureus.
  5. Following the EU mandate, critics argued that the rule would stifle innovation and inhibit smartphone manufacturers from advancing faster charging standards in the future.

  • 解释

  1. Inhibit这个单词做动词使用,其表示“to prevent or slow down something from happening”这一含义,即“抑制/阻止/阻碍”,与impede/hamper/hinder/curb 等单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:

  • Anxiety over whether battery-powered cars have the range to reach their destination is inhibiting some drivers from switching from traditional petrol- or diesel-powered models.(对电池驱动的汽车是否有到达目的地的里程的担忧正在抑制一些司机从传统的汽油或柴油动力车型转向。)
  • Everything we know about the human brain suggests it is composed of numerous systems that interact, overlap, excite, inhibit, and often contradict each other, and may even hide information from consciousness.(我们对人类大脑的了解表明,它由许多系统组成,这些系统相互作用,重叠,兴奋,抑制,并且经常相互矛盾,甚至可能隐藏意识信息。)
  • A sporting champion best known for willing himself to victories conceded that his surgically rebuilt right leg would forever inhibit his once-lofty expectations and drive.(一位以愿意取得胜利而闻名的体育冠军承认,他手术重建的右腿将永远抑制他曾经崇高的期望和动力。)
  • An unconventional collaboration between a former World Bank economist and a novelist, “Equality for Women = Prosperity for All” analyzes how women’s exclusion from work and educational opportunities inhibits economic growth.(前世界银行经济学家和小说家之间的非常规合作,“妇女平等=人人繁荣”该书分析了妇女被排除在工作和教育机会之外如何抑制经济增长。)


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