发音: [ɪnˈdʒenjuəs]
  1. Someone who is ingenuous shows a childlike innocence, trust, and openness. 
  2. Writer Joshua Wolf Shenk seems to be asking a good-natured, almost ingenuous question in his new book: Where does creativity come from?
  3. On the other hand, it would be ingenuous to think that nothing at all is at risk when budgets shrink and productions de-corporatize.
  4. His face had an ingenuous, rather child-like expression, and it acquired a certain character of manliness, thanks solely to a dark red mustache, closely cropped.
  5. It’s a perilous undertaking to tell such a complicated story through the imagined magical thinking of childhood, and aside from some bright flashes of ingenuous insight, the telling offers more confusion than clarity.

  1. Ingenuous这个单词为形容词,其表示“showing innocent or childlike simplicity and candidness”这一含义,即“天真的/纯真的/直率的”,与innocent/naive/candid等单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:

  • She always wears an ingenuous smile on her face.(她脸上总是挂着纯真的微笑。)
  • I’m not so ingenuous as to believe everything he says.(我不会天真到相信他说的每一句话。)
  • His face had an ingenuous, rather child-like expression, and it acquired a certain character of manliness, thanks solely to a dark red mustache, closely cropped.(他的脸有一种天真的,相当像孩子的表情,并且获得了某种男子气概的特征,这要归功于深红色的胡子,其被紧密地剪裁。)
  • Her ingenuous charm stole hearts, and her career path was almost miraculously smooth in its transition from child to adolescent, and then to young woman.(她天真的魅力偷走了人心,她的职业道路几乎奇迹般地顺利地从儿童到青少年,再到年轻女性。)


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