
  1. If we say some parents are indulgent, we mean they cave to every desire their child expresses.
  2. He gives me the indulgent smile of an adult hearing an outrageous claim from a child.
  3. she was perhaps a bit too indulgent with her children, who always seemed to get away with everything.
  4. I had not considered us to be particularly pushy or indulgent parents; mostly, I wanted my children to grow up to be financially independent and live lives of nothing worse than common unhappiness. 


  1. Indulgent这个单词为形容词,其表示“characterized by or given to yielding to the wishes of someone”这一含义,即“(过度)仁慈的/宽容的/纵容的/迁就的”,与lenient/favorable构成近义词近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:

  • indulgent parents risk spoiling their children.(放纵的父母极有可能会自己的宠坏孩子。)
  • When the children are young and need rational guidance, the parents are indulgent.(当孩子年幼,需要理性引导时,父母是纵容的。)
  • Ms Chua is admirably blunt, describing the other parents at the schools her children attend as “weak-willed and indulgent” .(蔡女士直言不讳,形容她孩子就读的学校的其他家长“意志薄弱,放纵”。)



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