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  1. Indolent” is a word used to describe someone who is lazy or doesn’t like to work or make an effort, or something that is slow to heal or develop and usually painless. It means they prefer to be inactive and avoid doing tasks or chores. For example, if you call a person “indolent,” you’re saying that they are not motivated to work or get things done. If you say something is “indolent,” you mean it’s slow or not active.
  2. According to Gayatri Balani, a jewelry designer, her whole family backs Mr. Modi because they perceive him as having the capacity to rein in the country’s bureaucrats, who are widely regarded as corrupt and indolent.
  3. Certain scholars express concern that the widespread perception of colonial-era religion oversimplifies by depicting Virginians as both greedy and indolent, while simultaneously portraying later colonists in Plymouth, Massachusetts, as devout and pious.
  4. In the scoreless first half, Brazil exhibited moments of nervousness, appearing somewhat indolent and impatient when confronted with North Korea’s solid and structured defense, which often deployed five players in their back line.
  5. Prostate cancer is commonly referred to as “indolent” because it typically grows slowly and is unlikely to spread, resulting in the identification of many cancers that would not have seriously threatened a man’s health if left untreated.

  1. Indolent这个单词做形容词使用,其表示“being inactive or slow”这一含义,即“懒惰的/懒散的/好逸恶劳的/慢性的/缓慢的”,与lazy/idle/inactive这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • A 75-year-old man typically has a life expectancy of around 11 to 12 years, and because cancers in older men often exhibit an indolent nature, it is justifiable to discontinue screening at the age of 75.(75 岁男性的预期寿命通常约为 11 至 12 年,由于老年男性的癌症通常表现出惰性,因此在 75 岁时停止筛查是合理的。)
  • While Ole Gunnar Solskjaer might have foreseen Arsenal’s strategy, his players were indolently unprepared for it and struggled in the first half, displaying a lackluster and apathetic performance.(虽然索尔斯克亚可能已经预见到了阿森纳的策略,但他的球员们对此毫无准备、十分懒散,在上半场表现得很挣扎,表现出乏善可陈和冷漠的状态。)
  • The portrayal of Black people as “savage” and “indolent,” according to French historian and comic book expert Pierre Cras, served as a justification for the colonial “civilizing mission” in Africa.(根据法国历史学家和漫画专家皮埃尔·克拉斯的说法,将黑人描绘成“野蛮”和“好逸恶劳”,为非洲殖民“文明使命”提供了理由。)
  • Previously, doctors used to advocate immediate and aggressive treatment for early-stage cancers, but nowadays, they often propose “active surveillance,” which involves close monitoring, particularly for slow-progressing or indolent cancers.(以前,医生曾经主张对早期癌症进行立即和积极的治疗,但现在,他们经常提出“主动监测”,其中包括密切监测,特别是对于进展缓慢的癌症。)


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