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- The word indeterminate describes a state of uncertainty, ambiguity, or lack of precise definition in various contexts, whether it’s about test results, situations, problems, or timeframes.
- Following a quiet Thanksgiving meal, the three friends retire to Jupiter’s bedroom for an indeterminate period of time as the parents embark on their own activities.
- A few years back, an investigation conducted by a French TV channel revealed that numerous restaurants near the Vieux Port used processed ingredients and frozen fish of indeterminate origin.
- While Garrett’s absence is indeterminate, starting middle linebacker Anthony Walker Jr. returned on a limited basis after missing a week due to a knee injury.
- In the tumultuous years following Egypt’s 2011 uprising, antiquities theft surged, resulting in an indeterminate amount of cultural heritage stolen from museums, mosques, storage facilities, and illegal excavation sites.
- The report explicitly states that certain warheads are being kept in an indeterminate state, awaiting a high-level government evaluation of their potential use in defending the planet against earthbound asteroids.
- Indeterminate这个单词做形容词使用,其表示“uncertain, unclear, or not precisely defined”这一含义,即“模糊的/不确定的/难以识别的”,与indefinite/undetermined/ambiguous这些单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- Scoles characterizes the astronomy community as “hostile” towards Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence; however, most astronomers appear to pay little attention to it, perhaps because the number of its scientists is still small and the duration of the search is indeterminate.(斯科尔斯将天文学界描述为对搜寻地外文明计划是怀有“敌意的”; 然而,大多数天文学家似乎很少关注它,也许是因为它的科学家人数仍然很少以及搜寻的持续时间不确定。)
–Science - In January, Apple announced Steve Jobs will take an indeterminate medical leave of absence, leading to his subsequent resignation as CEO in late August.(今年1月,苹果宣布史蒂夫·乔布斯将休无限期病假,导致他随后在8月底辞去首席执行官职务。)
–Technology - When a transistor is made too small, electrons within it can seemingly disappear from one location and reappear in another due to their quantum nature, which is inherently indeterminate.(当晶体管做得太小时,由于它们的量子性质,其中的电子似乎可以从一个位置消失,并在另一个位置重新出现,这本质上是难以识别的。)
–Science - With the feasibility uncertain, there have been discussions among teams and the players’ association about the possibility of relocating all 30 teams to the Phoenix area, where they would be secluded for an indeterminate period.(由于可行性不确定,球队和球员协会之间一直在讨论将所有30支球队搬迁到凤凰城地区的可能性,在那里他们将被隔离一段不确定的时间。)
–Sports - The Federal Communications Commission’s November announcement revealed its plans to officially classify text messaging, which currently has an indeterminate regulatory status, in the same category as high-speed Internet.(美国联邦通信委员会 11 月的公告显示,其计划正式将文本消息—目前具有不确定的监管状态—归类为与高速互联网相同的类别。)