Image by Carles Rabada

  • 发音:[ˈɪŋkjəˌbeɪt]

  • 例句:

  1. To incubate means to keep something at the right temperature and conditions to develop, such as an egg or an idea.
  2. Such pesticides cause large birds to produce eggs with thin shells, which females crush when trying to incubate them.
  3. Despite being a project incubated in Republican circles and launched under Ronald Reagan, its full-scale consolidation occurred under the Democratic presidency of Bill Clinton in the 1990s.
  4. As they look back on their experience with the Initiative, the fellows credit Harvard with distilling their ideas, fostering creative criticism, and incubating projects that are already making a mark on the world.
  5. Ohio State has won seven national titles, featured respected coaches like Paul Brown and Woody Hayes and incubated spectacular players like Jack Tatum and Eddie George.
  6. In an attempt to minimize impact on the wild population, biologists decided to launch the recovery program by incubating and hatching eggs taken from nests, rather than bringing in adult birds to breed.

  • 解释:

  1. Incubate这个单词做动词使用,其表示“to keep something, such as an embryo, a chemically active system, or an idea, under conditions favorable for development”这一含义,即“孵化/培养(细胞、细菌等)/支持/促进”,与hatch/spawn/nurture/foster/cultivate这些单词构成近义词。


  2. 具体使用场景如下:

  • The manufacturing process involves infecting sterile mosquitoes with the parasite, incubating them for several weeks, and then removing their salivary glands by hand.(制造过程包括用寄生虫感染不育蚊子,将它们孵育数周,然后手动去除它们的唾液腺。
  • At the time of his promotion, Google reportedly told employees that the Labs team is “focused on extrapolating technology trends and incubating a set of high-potential, long-term projects.”(据报道,在他晋升时,谷歌告诉员工,实验室团队“专注于推断技术趋势并孵化一系列高潜力的长期项目”。)
  • Chinese families may be able to create perfect petri-dish conditions for incubating golf prodigies: discipline, focus, hard work, unwavering support.(中国家庭或许能够为培养高尔夫神童创造完美的培养皿条件:纪律、专注、努力、坚定不移的支持。)
    —Arts and Culture
  • Ohio State has won seven national titles, featured respected coaches like Paul Brown and Woody Hayes and incubated spectacular players like Jack Tatum and Eddie George.(俄亥俄州立大学赢得了七次全国冠军,拥有保罗·布朗和伍迪·海耶斯等受人尊敬的教练,并孵化了杰克·塔图姆和埃迪·乔治等出色的球员。)


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