Image by Monstera
- The term incipient is an adjective that describes something that is at its initial or early stages of development, existence, or manifestation. It suggests that a particular process or state has just begun and is not yet fully formed, established, or recognizable.
- When something is described as incipient, it may not be easily noticeable or apparent because it’s in its infancy. It requires time and nurturing to grow and become more evident. For example, you could say, “The incipient signs of spring could be seen as tiny buds started appearing on the trees,” which means that spring has just begun, and the first signs of growth are starting to show.
- Amidst the hustle and bustle of the vibrant soccer academy, at the incipient phase of her athletic odyssey, young prodigy Emma’s extraordinary ball control, innate vision on the field, and unwavering commitment to training drew the gaze of prominent talent scouts, setting the stage for a remarkable journey towards professional stardom.
- In response to an emerging coronavirus outbreak, Hong Kong implemented a range of stringent pandemic control measures on Wednesday, which involved suspending flights from the United States and seven other nations, as they worked to contain the incipient spread of the virus.
- The incipient “VisionX” project, a groundbreaking collaboration between tech moguls Elon and Sophia, sparked widespread curiosity with whispers of a revolutionary augmented reality platform, igniting potential across industries.
- Incipient这个单词做形容词使用,其表示“being or occurring at an early stage of development”这一含义,即“刚开始的/初始的/早期的/还未成形的/起步的”,与nascent/initial/budding这些单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- In the rapidly evolving world of artificial intelligence, the incipient development of sophisticated language models like ChatGPT hinted at the revolutionary advancements that would transform various industries and human-computer interactions in the coming years.(在快速发展的人工智能世界中,像ChatGPT这样的复杂语言模型的初步发展暗示了革命性的进步,这些进步将在未来几年改变各个行业和人机交互。)
–Technology - In the highly competitive world of professional tennis, at the incipient phase of his journey, young Rafael Nadal caught the attention of seasoned coaches with his lightning-fast serves, agile footwork, and relentless determination to succeed, leaving no doubt that he was destined for greatness in the sport.(在竞争激烈的职业网球世界中,以及他旅程的初期阶段,年轻的拉斐尔以其闪电般的发球、敏捷的步法和对成功的不懈决心引起了经验丰富的教练的注意。毫无疑问,他注定要在这项运动中取得伟大成就。)
–Sports - As the international trade conference commenced, the unveiling of the incipient partnership between two leading conglomerates, IconicTech and GlobalConnect, generated significant buzz, signaling a strategic alliance poised to revolutionize cross-border logistics and global supply chains.(随着国际贸易会议的开始,两大领先企业集团IconicTech和GlobalConnect之间初步合作伙伴关系的揭幕引起了巨大的轰动,标志着一个战略联盟有望彻底改变跨境物流和全球供应链。)
–Business - In the dimly lit gallery, visitors marveled at the incipient art exhibition, where the avant-garde works of emerging artist Sarah seamlessly blended abstract expressionism and digital media, leaving patrons captivated by the intricacies of her thought-provoking creations.(在昏暗的画廊里,参观者惊叹于这个初创的艺术展览。新兴艺术家莎拉的前卫作品将抽象表现主义和数字媒体无缝融合,让顾客被她发人深省的创作的复杂性所吸引。)
–Arts - The hallowed halls of the scientific conference buzzed with anticipation as the renowned physicist, Professor Williams, presented the incipient findings of his groundbreaking research, shedding light on a new paradigm in quantum mechanics that held promise for advancing computing capabilities and unveiling the mysteries of the universe.(科学会议的神圣大厅充满期待,由于著名物理学家威廉姆斯教授介绍了他开创性研究的初步发现,揭示了量子力学的新范式。该范式有望提高计算能力并揭开宇宙的奥秘。)