Image by Tomas Anunziata
- Imperturbable means unable to be upset, disturbed, or agitated, even in difficult or challenging circumstances. It implies a sense of calmness.
- He seemed more enthusiastic, more vital than his imperturbable adversary, who possessed a style that was obviously more professional, but at the same time less emotional for the large crowd that filled the house.
- The young Oxford graduate possessed an imperturbable and magnificent self-conceit, against which the surges of angry criticism dashed themselves in vain.
- His imperturbable coolness in the narration of events, excites no little surprise, but most of his judges would prefer a more passionate tone.
- The diplomat’s imperturbable response to the hostile questioning at the press conference demonstrated his professionalism and expertise in diplomacy.
- Imperturbable这个单词做形容词使用,其表示“marked by extreme calm, impassivity, and steadiness”这一含义,即“冷静的/沉着的/泰然自若的/沉着冷静的”,与calm/composed/nonchalant这些单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- Half smiling, with imperturbable brightness and friendliness, the Buddha looked steadily at the stranger and dismissed him with a hardly visible gesture.(佛陀面露微笑,带着沉着的的自信和友善,定定地看着这个陌生人,用一个几乎看不见的手势把他打消了。)
—Culture - Despite facing constant criticism and hostility from her opponents, the candidate remained imperturbable throughout the election campaign.(尽管面临对手的不断批评和敌意,但这位候选人在整个竞选活动中仍然不为所动。)
—Politics - That is especially true for Michaels, who is famously imperturbable under pressure, professorially philosophical about the businesses of comedy and television, and consistently medium-cool in his overall demeanor.(对于迈克尔斯来说尤其如此,他是出了名的在压力下不动摇,对喜剧和电视业务具有教授哲学,并且在他的整体举止中始终保持中等冷静。)