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- To impede means to obstruct, hinder, or get in the way of the natural progress or movement of something. It involves creating barriers or difficulties that slow down or prevent the smooth continuation of an action or process. When something is impeded, its normal course is disrupted or restricted, leading to delays or limitations in its efficiency or effectiveness.
- For instance, imagine a river flowing steadily downstream. If a fallen tree or debris blocks its path, it will impede the flow of water, causing it to divert or slow down. Similarly, in everyday life, various factors can impede progress. For example, heavy snowfall can impede traffic, making it challenging for vehicles to move freely. In a work setting, a lack of necessary resources might impede a project’s completion, making it harder for the team to achieve its goals on time.
- For years, scientists have envisioned conducting studies on the moon’s far side, free from interference caused by transmissions from Earth and without any substantial atmosphere to impede their cosmic observations.
- Alleging that Amazon deceived consumers into enrolling in its Prime service and subsequently impeded their cancellation attempts, the Federal Trade Commission has taken its initial action against the tech giant to challenge its retail dominance.
- Released on Tuesday, the study conducted by the University of California, San Francisco seeks to capture a comprehensive picture of the factors contributing to homelessness in California and the barriers that impede individuals’ efforts to find permanent housing.
- By reducing some sections of the old coastal highway from four lanes to two in Encinitas and Carlsbad, safety has been improved without impeding traffic.
- Impede这个单词做动词使用,其表示“ to obstruct, hinder, or get in the way of the natural progress or movement of something”,即“阻碍/阻止/妨碍/延缓”,与hinder /inhibit /obstruct /hamper这些单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- During March 2019, they formed a cohesive alliance, a united team collaborating during battles and abiding by a friendly understanding not to impede the advancement of any individual member’s progress in the game.(在 2019 年 3 月期间,他们形成了一个有凝聚力的联盟,一个团结的团队,在战斗中合作,并遵守友好的谅解,不妨碍任何个人成员在游戏中的进步。)
–Arts - According to Workers United, Starbucks impeded the organizing campaign by terminating numerous union supporters and excluding unionized stores from recent wage raises and new benefits.(根据工人联合会的说法,星巴克通过终止许多工会支持者并将工会商店排除在最近的加薪和新福利之外来阻碍组织运动。)
–Business - Within the official Olympic guidebook, there are recommendations for social interactions in the Olympic and Paralympic villages, as well as measures designed to impede the transmission of viruses.(在官方的奥运指南中,有关于奥运村和残奥村社会互动的建议,以及旨在阻止病毒传播的措施。)
–Sports - In a similar manner, the neuroimaging techniques map the movement of a hand or toe to the corresponding brain area, so scientists can observe damage resulting from a stroke impedes movement in the expected body part.(神经成像技术以类似的方式将手或脚趾的运动映射到相应的大脑区域,因此科学家可以观察到中风造成的损伤阻碍了预期身体部位的运动。)
–Science - As travel and quarantine restrictions cause staff shortages, telecom equipment firms and network operators in China are confronted with a logistical nightmare that impedes the transportation of goods.(由于旅行和检疫限制导致人员短缺,中国的电信设备公司和网络运营商面临着阻碍货物运输的物流噩梦。)