Image by Jason Leung
Homogeneity refers to the quality of being of uniform throughout in composition or structure, or the quality of being similar in kind or nature.
It seems that this idea could explain many of the observed features of the universe, such as its large-scale uniformity and also the smaller-scale departures from homogeneity, such as galaxies, stars, and even human beings.
Today’s Rome is a paradoxical place: even as many historic neighborhoods fall to mass-touristic homogeneity, outlying districts are becoming more vibrant and varied.
Equality cannot become a premise to create an artificial homogeneity, forcing a conformity that destroys diverse, intergenerational practices, which enjoy the support of all stakeholders, including women.
The researchers hypothesize that plant homogeneity within crop fields could encourage more viruses to inhabit these areas—once a virus evolves to infect a crop, it finds many compatible hosts.
- Homogeneity这个单词做名词使用,其表示“the quality or state of being of a similar kind or of having a uniform structure or composition throughout”这一含义,即“同种/同质/一致性”,与uniformity/unity/homogeneousness等单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- The message we hope to convey is that isotopic homogeneity between the Earth and Moon is a fundamental new constraint on the evolution of the Earth-Moon system.(我们希望传达的信息是,地球和月球之间的同位素均匀性是地球 – 月球系统演化的基本新约束。)
—Science - The Athletic’s initial practice of hiring mostly veteran writers without posting jobs publicly also has perpetuated homogeneity in an industry that is overwhelmingly white and male, leading to criticism.(The Athletic最初的做法是雇用大多数资深作家而不公开发布工作,这也使一个绝大多数是白人和男性的行业中的同质性永久化,导致批评。)
—Sports - The homogeneity of the nation was so firmly established that subsequent dissensions and conquests could not alter fundamentally the character of the nation.(该民族的同质性是如此牢固,以至于随后的纷争和征服无法从根本上改变其民族的性质。)
—Culture - They said Amazon adopted the entrenched racism that plagued America, evidenced by the “homogeneity” of the its leadership compared with “the rich racial and ethic diversity amongst our hourly worker population.”(他们说,亚马逊采用了困扰美国的根深蒂固的种族主义,与“我们小时工人口中丰富的种族和民族多样性”相比,其领导层的“同质性”证明了这一点。)