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  • The word “heretical” is used to describe something that goes against established beliefs, especially religious ones. It’s like saying that a particular idea or belief is not accepted by the majority of people who follow a certain religion.
  • In a broader sense, “heretical” can also be used to describe any idea or belief that challenges commonly accepted views, not just in religion but in any area of life. So, if someone has a very different opinion about something and it goes against what most people think, you might hear their view described as “heretical.”
  • Expressing heretical views, physicists like Freeman Dyson and Brian Josephson believe in the existence of telepathy, but most contemporary scientists consider such supernatural claims to be more like the things found in science fiction.
  • Because Shehab follows the minority Shiite sect of Islam, which is often deemed heretical by many strict Sunni Muslims, Sunni authorities in Saudi Arabia frequently view him with suspicion.
  • In 1614, Tommaso Caccini delivered a sermon in the church of Santa Maria Novella, condemning Galileo and other scientists for holding the heretical belief that the Earth orbits the sun.

  1. Heretical这个单词做形容词使用,其表示“breaking with convention or tradition”这一含义,即“异端的/非正统的/与传统相违背的”,与unorthodox /dissident /iconoclastic /heterodox 这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • Over time, the heretical views of numerous Enlightenment philosophers, which had been criticized by organized religion, proved to be accurate and unveiled the flaws in state-sponsored religious dogmas.(随着时间的流逝,许多启蒙运动哲学家的异端观点被证明是准确的,并揭示了国家支持的宗教教条的缺陷。)
  • Influencing both Milton and Locke with his heretical beliefs, Williams played a pivotal role in shaping the contemporary doctrine of separating church and state, a concept that continues to provoke debate, even within liberal democracies.(威廉姆斯以其非正统理念影响了弥尔顿和洛克,在塑造当代政教分离学说方面发挥了关键作用,这一概念即使在自由民主国家内部也继续引发辩论。)
  • Questioning the established ideas in oceanography, the previously heretical concept that swimming animals could significantly contribute to ocean mixing may have wide-ranging implications, extending beyond the specific areas where these animals are typically found.(质疑海洋学中的既定观点,早期关于游泳动物可以显着促进海洋混合的非正统概念可能具有广泛的影响,超出了通常发现这些动物的特定区域。)
  • The once-considered heretical notion that the enzyme can convert RNA into DNA has had a groundbreaking impact, enabling retroviruses to integrate with human chromosomes and profoundly influence human biology and disease mechanisms.(曾经被认为是这种酶可以将RNA转化为DNA的异端观念产生了巨大的影响,使逆转录病毒能够与人类染色体整合,并深刻影响人类生物学和疾病机制。)
  • Convicted by the Roman Catholic Inquisition in 1633, Galileo Galilei faced charges for advocating the heretical belief that the Earth orbits the sun, and he was placed under house arrest until his death.(伽利略·伽利莱于1633年被罗马天主教宗教裁判所定罪,因鼓吹地球绕太阳公转的异端信仰而面临指控,他被软禁直到去世。)


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