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  • 发音:[ɡaɪl]

  • 例句

  1. Guile means the use of clever and often dishonest methods to deceive or trick someone in order to achieve a particular goal.
  2. He had no intention of paying his debts and was confident he could evade prosecution through guile and charm.
  3. Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen has been in power for 37 years, combining guile and strong-arm tactics to dominate his country’s politics.
  4. She walks through bad neighborhoods alone at night, approaches shady strangers without guile, and has been repeatedly threatened with death.
  5. How I Met Your Mother” closed down on Monday with an hourlong finale crammed with all the deflection, distraction and guile that made this CBS comedy the Scheherazade of prime time.

  • 解释

  1. Guile这个单词做名词使用,其表示“the inclination or practice of misleading others through lies or trickery”这一含义,即“狡诈/欺诈/欺骗/奸诈”,与cheating/deception/cunning/fraud这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:

  • His early career was spent in trial courts, mostly in the South, where he fought for racial justice in hostile territory, relying on humor, charm, outrage, guile and stone-cold courage.(他早期的职业生涯是在审判法庭度过的,主要是在南方,在那里他依靠幽默、魅力、愤怒、诡计和冷酷的勇气,在敌对地区争取种族正义。)
  • They transport the viewer into a world where conventional distinctions — between private feeling and public display, between honesty and guile, between life and theater — do not apply.(它们将观众带入一个私人感受和公共展示、诚实和诡计、生活和戏剧这些传统区别不适用的世界。)
  • After his father was killed in a mass execution by Nazi forces in 1941, Mr. Bloch, then 16, was forced to survive on his wits and guile.(1941年,他的父亲在纳粹军队的大规模处决中丧生,当时16岁的布洛赫被迫靠自己的智慧和诡计生存。)
  • He is often criticized for lacking strategy and the necessary guile to lead Senegal to its first major title.(他经常被批评缺乏战略和必要的诡计来带领塞内加尔获得第一个大满贯冠军。)


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