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  1. The verb grudge means to feel or hold a strong sense of resentment, bitterness, or ill will towards someone or something. When you grudge someone, you feel unwilling or reluctant to forgive or forget a past offense or wrong they have committed.
  2. During that time, women were presented with greater opportunities to achieve success, according to Garbutt’s argument, implying that they encountered grudging acceptance when vacancies needed to be filled after numerous men had perished in the world wars.
  3. In the documentary “Betty White: First Lady of Television” released in 2018, Mr. Duncan acknowledged, “People in the South harbored grudge towards my presence on the show and demanded my removal.”
  4. She begrudges the numerous constraints imposed on girls and women, such as the current prohibition on teenage girls returning to school and the persistent denial of job reinstatement for many women.
  5. As Black citizens gained political and social influence in the late 1860s, white Southerners, who predominantly supported the anti-Reconstruction Democratic Party, begrudge the federal government’s policies.
  6. Greece’s economy faced stringent supervision, leading to the imposition of a series of highly grudging reforms, including repeated tax increases and cuts to pensions, salaries, and public expenditures across various sectors ranging from healthcare to infrastructure.


  1. Grudge这个单词做动词与名词使用,其表示“to feel or hold a strong, negative feeling towards someone or something”以及“a feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill-will”这一含义,即“积怨/怨恨/怀恨在心/积怨”,与resent/resentment/deplore/hostility等单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • Mr. Kaplan, a former deputy chief of staff for President George W. Bush, had cautioned Ms. Sandberg and Mr. Zuckerberg about the need to repair relations with Republicans who held grudge against their support for Democrats.(卡普兰曾是乔治·W·布什总统的副幕僚长,他曾告诫桑德伯格和扎克伯格,有必要修复与那些对民主党的支持怀恨在心的共和党人的关系。)
  • Airline profits experienced marginal growth over the past year, reflecting the increasing demand for air travel and the public’s grudging acceptance of heightened security measures.(航空公司的利润在过去一年中略有增长,反映了对航空旅行的需求不断增加以及公众对加强安全措施的勉强接受。)
  • Historical sources from the Middle Ages offer various remedies for dealing with the unsettled spirits, believed to be individuals who were malevolent or cursed during their lifetimes and still grudged against the living even after death.(中世纪的历史资料提供了各种补救措施来处理不安定的灵魂,据信这些人在有生之年是恶意或被诅咒的,即使在死后仍然对活人怀恨在心。)
  • They both held a grudge against the marriage because it revealed, to themselves if not to others, their own lack of maturity, moral failings, and intellectual limitations.(他们都对婚姻怀恨在心,因为它暴露了他们自己缺乏成熟、道德败坏和智力上的局限性,如果不是对别人的话。)
  • While establishing goals and having expectations are essential for business success, uninformed or unrealistic targets often lead to employee stress, deep-seated grudge, missed financial projections, or, worse, dissatisfaction among customers and partners.(虽然建立目标和期望对于业务成功至关重要,但不知情或不切实际的目标通常会导致员工压力、根深蒂固的怨恨、错过财务预测,或者更糟糕的是,客户和合作伙伴之间的不满。)


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