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  1. To gloat means to feel or show excessive pride, satisfaction, or delight over one’s own success, achievements, or advantages, often at the expense of others. It involves taking pleasure in the misfortune or failure of others while reveling in one’s own superiority. When someone gloats, they may boast or brag about their accomplishments, relishing the attention and admiration they receive.
  2. Gloating can be both an internal feeling and an outward behavior. Internally, it’s the sense of smugness and self-satisfaction that arises from believing oneself to be better or more successful than others. Outwardly, it can be demonstrated through boasting, showing off, or openly expressing delight at others’ misfortunes.
  3. Gloating can have negative consequences, as it may lead to feelings of resentment and envy in others, damaging relationships and creating a sense of hostility. People who gloat excessively may be seen as arrogant or insensitive, and it can tarnish their reputation among peers.
  4. The White House officials expressed anger at the Democrats’ perceived gloating over the conditions of a temporary spending bill that finances government operations until September 30th.
  5. After the Maza incident, he couldn’t help but gloat about the significant increase in membership subscriptions, proudly claiming that Maza had sold “more mug club memberships than anyone in the history of the company.”
  6. Following a decisive victory in the sports scenario, a few players couldn’t contain their glee, choosing to gloat about their outstanding performance, joyfully reliving their accomplishments, and expressing satisfaction over the defeat of their rival team.

  1. Gloat这个单词做动词使用,其表示“to feel or express great pleasure or satisfaction because of your own success or good luck, or someone else’s failure or bad luck”这一含义,即“幸灾乐祸/沾沾自喜”,与brag/boast/flaunt/revel这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • The tech company’s CEO couldn’t resist gloating at the unveiling event, confidently showcasing their revolutionary product and relishing the awe-struck reactions from industry experts and competitors alike, proud of the cutting-edge technology they had developed.(这家科技公司的首席执行官忍不住在揭幕仪式上沾沾自喜,自信地展示了他们的革命性产品,并享受了行业专家和竞争对手的敬畏反应,为他们开发的尖端技术感到自豪。)
  • After years of dedicated research, the brilliant scientist finally had the chance to gloat about his groundbreaking findings during a prestigious international conference, taking immense pride in his contributions to the scientific community.(经过多年的专注研究,这位才华横溢的科学家终于有机会在一次享有盛誉的国际会议上沾沾自喜地谈论他的突破性发现,并为他对科学界的贡献感到无比自豪。)
  • With an astonishing win against their toughest adversaries, the victorious team couldn’t help but gloat as they celebrated their success on the field, basking in the glory of their hard-earned championship title.(凭借对阵最强敌的惊人胜利,获胜的球队在庆祝他们在球场上的成功时忍不住幸灾乐祸,沉浸在他们来之不易的冠军头衔的荣耀中。)
  • The ambitious entrepreneur seized the opportunity to gloat about their rapidly growing startup during a high-profile networking event, eager to impress potential investors with their impressive revenue numbers and rapid market expansion.(这位雄心勃勃的企业家抓住机会,在一次备受瞩目的社交活动中沾沾自喜地谈论他们快速增长的创业公司,渴望以其令人印象深刻的收入数字和快速的市场扩张给潜在投资者留下深刻印象。)
  • Following the successful opening night of his highly anticipated play, the playwright allowed himself to gloat in the media, joyfully discussing the critical acclaim and sold-out shows, elated to witness his artistic vision resonate with audiences.(在他备受期待的戏剧成功开幕之夜之后,这位剧作家允许自己在媒体上沾沾自喜,愉快地讨论评论界的好评和售罄的演出,很高兴看到他的艺术愿景与观众产生共鸣。)


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