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- Frugality is a concept that involves using resources wisely and avoiding unnecessary expenses or wastefulness. It’s about being economical and mindful in managing one’s money, time, or other resources. When someone is frugal, they tend to prioritize needs over wants, make thoughtful decisions about spending, and seek ways to maximize value from what they have.
- Similar to the competitive nature of professional sports, the music industry operates with intense rivalry and often neglects the principle of frugality, consequently leaving former music luminaries in financial distress.
- The exhibition highlighted six paintings and 14 drawings crafted between 1987 and 2013, unveiling an artistic talent that fuses the precision, resourcefulness, and frugality emblematic of Northern Renaissance art with a sharp, critical approach influenced by Surrealism and American popular culture.
- Behind a table filled with raw pork at a Suzhou street market, butcher Jiang Yongming aired his frustration about the enduring frugality prevalent among the residents in his neighborhood.
- The industry, historically renowned for its frugality, is experiencing a transformation as companies, habituated to allocating $10 billion or more to energy projects, demonstrate eagerness in acquiring offshore tracts, potentially contributing to price escalation within this sector.
- When a conservative strategy fails to achieve championship success, the formerly admired qualities of frugality and patience may be reevaluated, shifting from positive traits to potentially seen as tendencies toward cheapness and complacency.
- Frugality这个单词做名词使用,其表示“careful management of material resources and especially money”这一含义,即“节俭/节约/俭朴”这一含义,与economy/thrift/saving这些单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- Establishing formidable companies necessitates significant resourcefulness, unwavering frugality, exceptional foresight, and innovative technology, all while holding the potential to enact substantial global impact.(建立强大的公司需要足智多谋、坚定不移的节俭、非凡的远见卓识、创新的技术,同时具有产生重大全球影响的潜力。)
–Technology - The lithium-ion battery functions to both propel the motor and replenish itself through recuperated braking energy, while the integration of an automatic start-stop feature contributes significantly to the vehicle’s efficiency and frugality.(锂离子电池既可以推动电机,又可以通过回收的制动能量进行补充,而自动启停功能的集成则大大提高了车辆的效率和节俭性。)
–Science - From his own experience, Lu Zhengwei, the chief economist at Industrial Bank in Shanghai, observed the considerable impact of the frugality campaign on high-end restaurants, yet indicated recent signs of recovery in this sector.(兴业银行驻上海首席经济学家卢正伟根据自己的经验,观察到节约运动对高端餐厅的影响很大,但最近该行业出现了复苏的迹象。)
–Business - Shafer, having predominantly contributed to the approximately $3 million budget for “Damsels in Distress,” deeply respects Stillman’s writing prowess and almost equally esteems his penchant for frugality.(谢弗主要为《遇险少女》的约300万美元预算做出了贡献,他非常尊重斯蒂尔曼的写作能力,几乎同样尊重他对节俭的偏好。)
–Arts and culture