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- The verb “forfeit” means to lose or give up something as a penalty or consequence for a specific action or failure to fulfill a condition or obligation. This loss typically occurs due to a rule violation, wrongdoing, or failure to meet a requirement.
- As a metaphor for America, neon vividly captures the nation’s remarkable technological advancements juxtaposed with the potential compromises it may forfeit in its relentless pursuit of consumer-driven progress, a contrast made palpable by the dazzling grandeur of Times Square.
- In a concerning and rapid shift, Native Americans saw their life expectancy in 2021 plummet to 65 years, aligning with the age of eligibility for Medicare, thereby forfeiting nearly two years of life within the course of a single year, prompting serious apprehension about the health and welfare of this community.
- With Easterbrook’s separation agreement explicitly stating that any engagement in “detrimental conduct” would lead to forfeiting the equity awards granted in 2018 and 2019, the company sought the return of these awards.
- The adjustment that has been put in place involves Mr. Cook potentially having to forfeit a portion of his 2011 CEO equity award, which was initially solely based on time, in the event that the company does not meet certain performance criteria.
- During the last month, Senate Republicans forfeited a chance to vote on the long-delayed pipeline when they blocked a bipartisan energy-efficiency bill that had the backing of manufacturers and environmentalists.
- Forfeit这个单词做动词使用,其表示“to lose or give up something”这一含义,即丧失/失去/丢失,与give up/abandon/lose/relinquish等单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- Pennsylvania, Iowa, and Arkansas, in their refusal to expand Medicaid as intended under Obama’s healthcare reform, will forfeit billions of dollars in federal subsidies earmarked for funding the expansion.(宾夕法尼亚州,爱荷华州和阿肯色州拒绝按照奥巴马医疗改革的意图扩大医疗补助计划,将失去数十亿美元的联邦补贴,这些补贴专门用于资助扩张。)
–News - By forfeiting its 3.5mm headphone jack and dedicated home button, it has made a sacrifice, but in the bigger picture, it emerges as a solid device that ushers in a thoroughly updated design for Apple’s compact tablet form factor.(通过放弃其3.5毫米耳机插孔和专用的Home按钮,它做出了牺牲,但在更大的图景中,它已成为一款坚固的设备,为Apple的紧凑型平板电脑外形带来了彻底更新的设计。)
–Technology - In the event that a team is unable to compete in the College Football Playoff semifinals on December 31 due to COVID-19 issues, they will forfeit the game, allowing the available team to advance to the championship game.(如果一支球队由于 COVID-19 问题而无法参加 12 月 31 日的大学橄榄球季后赛半决赛,他们将放弃比赛,允许其它球队晋级冠军赛。)
–Sports - The board of MiMedx Group Inc. has made the decision that four former executives were involved in actions detrimental to the company’s interests and, therefore, they are required to forfeit their compensation in connection with their exits, which are now categorized as “for cause” terminations.(MiMedx Group Inc.董事会已做出决定,四名前高管参与了损害公司利益的行为,因此,他们必须失去与退出有关的补偿,现在被归类为“因故”终止。)
–Business - The antislavery Northerners issued a warning that in the event of secession by the slave states, they would effectively forfeit their constitutional rights, and this would release the free states from the obligation of enforcing the fugitive slave clause.(反奴隶制的北方人发出警告说,如果蓄奴州分离,他们将有效地丧失宪法权利,这将使自由州免于执行逃亡奴隶条款的义务。)