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  1. To fetter means to restrict, limit, or hold back someone or something from moving or progressing freely. When something is fettered, it is constrained or restrained, often due to rules, regulations, or other external factors.
  2. It’s remarkable how we live in a time of stark contradictions, where young individuals are presented with a vast array of possibilities, yet find themselves fettered by a complete lack of stability.
  3. Even today, translators, editors, publishers, poets, and writers encounter legal repercussions and potential fetters for legitimate expression, falling under the constraints of various legislative limitations.
  4. The authorities will undoubtedly discover alternative solutions to compensate for the services formerly provided by Google, albeit at a certain expense and possibly with a slight compromise in efficiency, while the internet remains fettered within China.
  5. The long time gap between an accident and its consequences, such as contaminated milk, radioactive hotspots, and mysterious cancers, often fetters efforts to accurately assess the complete magnitude of a disaster.
  6. In March 2019, they joined forces as part of the same alliance, collaborating during battles and honoring a friendly agreement that avoids fettering each member’s progress in the game.


  1. Fetter这个单词做动词与名词使用,其表示“to limit or hold back from movement”以及“something that limits one’s freedom of action or choice”这一含义,即“束缚/限制/抑制(某人的自由);羁绊/桎梏”,与impede/inhibit/hamper/encumber/restriction/constraint这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • Power prices are being driven up by various factors, including reduced river levels that fetter fuel shipments to coal-fired plants, which governments such as Germany aim to activate as alternatives to gas.(电价受到各种因素的推高,这其中就包括河流水位下降,其限制了向燃煤电厂运送燃料。德国等政府旨在激活燃煤电厂作为天然气的替代品。)
  • He highlighted the forthcoming rise of astronauts recruited by private companies such as SpaceX and Boeing, who will experience enhanced autonomy in contrast to the standard fetters placed upon government employees.(他强调SpaceX和波音等私营公司招募的宇航员即将崛起,与政府雇员的标准束缚相比,他们将拥有更大的自主权。)
  • The restrictions imposed by the coronavirus, which fettered Tesla’s manufacturing operations in California and nudged its CEO closer to his decision to relocate the company’s headquarters to Texas, have sparked significant frustration.(冠状病毒施加的限制带来了极大的挫败感,因为新冠束缚了特斯拉在加利福尼亚州的制造业务,并进一步促进了CEO将公司总部迁至德克萨斯州的决定)
  • Underground train stations, serving millions of daily commuters, are intelligently designed to promote and fetter vertical mobility, effectively managing overcrowding during peak hours and enabling efficient evacuation in emergency situations.(地下火车站每天为数百万通勤者提供服务,经过智能设计,可促进和约束垂直交通,有效管理高峰时段的过度拥挤,并在紧急情况下实现高效疏散。)
  • Our capacity to mitigate the risk of Alzheimer’s and devise new strategies for prevention and treatment remains fettered by a lack of comprehensive knowledge regarding the gender-specific variations and complexities of the disease.(我们减轻阿尔茨海默氏症风险和制定新的预防和治疗策略的能力仍然受到缺乏关于该疾病性别差异和复杂性的全面知识的束缚。)
  • With mounting regulatory pressure to rein in the influence of the internet giant, Google, investors express concerns that new laws and restrictions may fetter its future growth.(随着监管压力越来越大,要求控制互联网巨头谷歌的影响力,投资者担心新的法律和限制可能会束缚其未来的增长。)


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