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  1. The word “feign” means to pretend or to fake something, often an emotion, feeling, or action, with the intention of deceiving others. It involves presenting a false appearance or making a show of something that is not genuinely felt or experienced.
  2. In usage, “feign” typically involves acting or behaving in a way that is not genuine or sincere. For instance, someone might feign interest in a topic during a conversation to appear engaged, even if they are not truly interested. It’s a deliberate and often conscious attempt to give a false impression or disguise one’s true feelings or intentions.
  3. As the investigative journalist seeks out the individuals recruited as ‘healthy volunteers’ for a 1973 study where they feigned to have mental illness, what she uncovers goes beyond her expectations, revealing a reality that is notably strange and unexpected.
  4. White Fawn’s Devotion” diverges from Royle’s tragic tale by portraying the American Indian woman’s feigned death and subsequent return to save her husband from the tribe’s vengeance instead of depicting her suicide after her white husband abandons her.
  5. Advocates of this training contend that it could assist doctors in accurately identifying patients who truly require long-acting narcotics for treatment purposes, as well as in revealing individuals who might be feigning to experience pain solely to obtain drugs, which they would then misuse.
  6. Control-Finance and Reynolds allegedly created false customer account balances, manipulated profit statements, and executed Ponzi-like payments to customers seeking withdrawals, all to feign legitimacy and simulate profitability while concealing the fraud.

  1. Feign这个单词做动词使用,其表示“to pretend or to fake something”这一含义,即“假装/伪装/佯装/捏造”,与pretend/assume/sham等单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • Roughly four years have passed since Gamergate set a precedent by employing a playbook wherein right-leaning communities utilize feigned offense as a tool to secure online triumphs over the social justice movement.(自从 Gamergate 开创先例以来,已经过去了大约四年,它采用了一种剧本,其中右倾社区利用假装冒犯作为工具,以确保在线战胜社会正义运动。)
  • According to Amphibians and Reptiles of North Carolina, when in danger, the non-venomous snake resorts to feigning death by executing a behavior that involves opening its mouth, rolling onto its back, and writhing around.(根据北卡罗来纳州的两栖动物和爬行动物协会的说法,当处于危险之中时,无毒蛇会通过执行一种行为来假装死亡,包括张开嘴、滚到背上和扭动。)
  • The proposed sanctions were not explicitly delineated; however, Stanford coach David Shaw, in his capacity as the chairman of the rules committee, articulated a preference for imposing “severe penalties” on coaches who instruct players to feign injuries.(拟议的制裁措施没有明确规定;然而,斯坦福大学教练大卫·肖以规则委员会主席的身份明确表示,倾向于对指示球员假装受伤的教练施加“严厉处罚”。)
  • In the competitive smartphone market, some companies resort to feigning originality by rebranding existing models with slight modifications, akin to how Apple relaunched its flagship device to target a younger audience.(在竞争激烈的智能手机市场中,一些公司通过对现有型号进行轻微修改来重新命名,以佯装原创,类似于苹果重新推出其旗舰设备以瞄准年轻受众的方式。)
  • Galleries in the arts and culture domain often resort to a tactic of feigning artistic innovation by displaying reinterpreted classics, exemplified by institutions like the Metropolitan Museum reimagining renowned artworks to resonate with present-day audiences.(艺术和文化领域的画廊经常采取一种伪装艺术创新的策略,展示重新诠释的经典作品,大都会博物馆等机构重新构想著名艺术品以引起当今观众的共鸣。)
    –Arts and Culture


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