• 发音:[ɪɡˈzubərəns]

  • 例句

  1. When we feel happy, people can see the exuberance on our face.
  2. After Lionel Messi won the FIFA champion, the fans all over the world were in their exuberance.
  3. If you feel happy or enthusiastic about something, then you can describe your feeling as exuberant. Actually, exuberance is the noun form.
  4. Such drops occur regularly, and market pros tend to see them as potentially healthy setbacks that can clear out unjustified market exuberance or excessive risk-taking.
  5. Even before the pandemic, the N.B.A. showed a penchant for exuberance, announcing team rosters for the e-sports league in a flashy ceremony in New York in February that mimicked the draft for professional sports.

  • 解释

  1. Exuberance 为名词,表示:“joyful enthusiasm, enjoyment, or approval“这一含义,即“热情洋溢/充沛/高兴/繁荣“。该单词与liveliness/excitement/enthusiasm/ebullience这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • Chinese football fans always talk smack to their friends about how the Chinese national football team’s performance did not quite live up to the exuberance or expectations of the capacity crowd. (中国球迷总是和他们的朋友谈论中国国家足球队的表现如何没有完全达到观众的热情或期望。)
  • While experts are warning that the exuberance around Bitcoin is a classic sign of a bubble, few think it will disappear altogether even in the event of a crash. (虽然专家警告说,围绕比特币的繁荣是泡沫的典型标志,但很少有人认为即使在崩盘的情况下,它也会完全消失。)
  • As the global economy has endured a trade war and other uncertainties, some of the exuberance in this billion-dollar business, which surged after the last recession, is showing signs of ebbing. (随着全球经济经历了贸易战和其他不确定性,这项在上次经济衰退后飙升的数十亿美元的业务的一些繁荣正在显示出消退的迹象。)


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