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- The term exorbitant refers to a price, cost, or amount that is exceptionally high and far beyond what is considered reasonable, fair, or customary. When something is labeled as exorbitant, it implies that it is excessively expensive or beyond the means of most people. It often suggests that the price charged is unjustifiably high, taking advantage of the situation or exploiting customers.
- In business, setting exorbitant prices can sometimes be perceived as a strategy to maximize profits, especially in situations where there is limited competition or high demand for a particular product or service. However, this approach may also lead to negative consequences, such as reduced customer satisfaction, loss of trust, and potential backlash from the public or regulators.
- Refugees are exploited by smugglers who demand exorbitant fees for smuggling them across European borders, concealing them in trucks and containers, thereby exposing them to a high risk of abuse, injury, sickness, detection, and even death.
- In this wonderland filled with a diverse array of cartoon characters such as Disney, Looney Tunes, Pauline Phoenix, or even Garfield, you willingly pay exorbitant prices for mediocre fast food, all in order to maintain the enchanting illusion.
- The NFL’s current and prospective players are well aware of the risks involved in their profession, but many still decide to play on due to the allure of exorbitant salaries, and consequently, they should be barred from filing any future claims.
- Policymakers might perceive the costs as “exorbitant” when contemplating the effort needed to limit global warming below 2 degrees over the next few decades, especially if they use RCP8.5 as their benchmark for comparison.
- Exorbitant这个单词做形容词使用,其表示“exceptionally high and far beyond what is considered reasonable, fair, or customary”这一含义,即“(价格、要求、数量等)过分的/过高的/离谱的/昂贵的/奢华的”,与excessive/extravagant/lavish/unbearable这些单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- On eBay, Spectacles are available for sale at various prices, ranging from a few hundred dollars to as much as $1,000. However, it remains uncertain whether buyers are willing to pay such exorbitant amounts.(在eBay上,眼镜以各种价格出售,从几百美元到1000美元不等。然而,买家是否愿意支付如此高昂的金额仍不确定。)
–Business - As reported in a new study published in Nature Geoscience, the Cocos plate, spanning around 37 miles, rapidly fractured within a few seconds, unleashing exorbitant amounts of energy.(正如发表在《自然地球科学》上的一项新研究所报道的那样,跨越约37英里的Cocos板块在几秒钟内迅速断裂,释放出巨大的能量。)
–Science - Once more, teams are offering exorbitant contracts to free agent pitchers, even though these players may struggle to deliver half the value of the $100 million-and-up deals they have signed.(球队再次向自由球员投手提供过高的合同,尽管这些球员可能很难提供他们签署的1亿美元及以上合同的一半。)
–Sports - The public’s discontent arises from the belief that today’s latest pharmaceutical breakthroughs are unreasonably expensive, and that they suspect big drug companies of extorting exorbitant profits from desperate patients.(公众的不满源于他们相信,今天最新的制药突破及其昂贵,他们怀疑大型制药公司从绝望的病人那里勒索过高的利润。)
–Technology - The original “Gossip Girl” series managed to simultaneously critique and uphold class privilege, by satirizing the teens’ exorbitant wealth while also inviting the audience to empathize with their experiences.(最初的“绯闻女孩”系列设法同时批判和维护阶级特权,讽刺青少年的奢华财富,同时也邀请观众同情他们的经历。)