- To exacerbate refers to making something worse or severe. For example, the proposed factory shutdown would only exacerbate our unemployment problems.
- Air pollution, warned a group of top cardiological health organizations, also was exacerbating the risk of covid deaths.
- Chronic illnesses, including Long COVID, can also exacerbate pre-existing conditions, potentially pushing a patient from stable to critical.
- The declining retirement security faced by growing numbers of Americans is being exacerbated by increasing longevity and quickly rising health care costs.
- In his State of the City address last month, Gloria said the pandemic had “exacerbated longstanding city budget problems the last administration did too little to address” and that the city faced structural budget deficits.
- Exacerbate这个单词为动词,其表示“make something worse or something becomes severe”这一含义,即“加剧/使恶化/时变坏”,与worsen/aggravate这些单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- The drought will exacerbate a country’s food shortage.(干旱将加剧一个国家的粮食短缺。)
—News - Food shortages are already being exacerbated by a drought in the Horn of Africa and unusually harsh weather in other parts of the world.(非洲之角的干旱和世界其他地区异常恶劣的天气已经加剧了粮食短缺。)
—News - Poverty is exacerbated by sudden economic stress, and societal inequality often traps women with abusive partners or other family members because they have nowhere else to go and cannot rely on authorities for help.(突如其来的经济压力加剧了贫困,社会不平等往往使妇女与她们残暴的伴侣或其他家庭成员相捆绑,因为她们无处可去,无法依靠当局的帮助。)
—Society - High prices for battery materials such as lithium, cobalt and nickel, exacerbated by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, have been eating into margins of electric vehicle makers, hurting their bottom line.(因俄罗斯入侵乌克兰而导致的锂、钴和镍等电池材料高价问题的恶化,一直在蚕食电动汽车制造商的利润,损害了他们的底线。)