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- The word enmesh means to become tangled or caught up in something, like getting entangled in a web or caught in a net. It describes a situation where you become deeply involved or trapped in something, often in a complicated or difficult way.
- She sensed a trap tightening around her, a trap that enmeshed her and restricted her, and posed a threat to render her immobile and helpless, while they exerted their control over him right in front of her.
- The administrator found herself enmeshed in a heated controversy surrounding the grant money that the museum had accepted from the administration of then-Mayor Bill de Blasio.
- The newfound evidence reveals the complex entanglement between the high-end spyware industry and governments, demonstrating how even those who claim to use such tools solely against terrorists or major criminals are enmeshed in this intricate network.
- The emerging trend of the “internet of things” is increasingly enmeshed in numerous households, introducing heightened convenience while simultaneously raising apprehensions regarding privacy.
- Despite the exhibition games going ahead, the league maintained that it would be inequitable to demand players and coaches to address the intricate geopolitical controversy in which they were unintentionally enmeshed.
- As our daily existence becomes more enmeshed in digital communications, the considerations surrounding what we opt to retain and how we navigate and preserve those materials will assume a progressively prominent role in shaping our cultural legacy.
- Apple initiated its legal action in the previous year, and the two corporations are currently enmeshed in patent disagreements across various countries concerning smartphones and portable computing devices.
- Enmesh这个单词做动词使用,其表示“to become trapped or caught up in something”这一含义,即“使陷入/使卷入(某种状态)/使绊住或缠住”,与entrap/entangle/trap这些单词构成近义词。注意,实际使用中,该单词多用作被动语态,即“become/be enmeshed in something”这一结构。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- Women are also intricately enmeshed in the fabric of the consumer economy, with some calculations indicating that they make up 85 percent of all consumer purchases.(女性也错综复杂地陷入了消费经济的结构中,一些计算表明,她们占所有消费者购买的85%。)
–Culture - In addition to treating yourself with kindness, practicing self-compassion involves acknowledging that you are part of the larger human community that experiences similar struggles, and consciously acknowledging negative emotions without becoming enmeshed in them.(除了善待自己之外,练习自我同情还包括承认你是经历类似挣扎的更大人类社区的一部分,并有意识地承认负面情绪而不陷入其中。)
–Science - From September onwards, the bank found itself enmeshed in a protracted scandal following the disclosure that numerous employees had illicitly created up to 2.1 million fraudulent accounts in customers’ names without their consent.(从 9 月开始,该银行发现自己陷入了一场旷日持久的丑闻,因为披露了许多员工在未经客户同意的情况下以客户的名义非法创建了多达 210 万个欺诈账户。)
–News - To carry out their operations, companies need to establish a network of influence and operations that intertwines with various institutions, often concentrated in cities, thereby becoming intricately enmeshed in our everyday lives.(为了开展业务,公司需要建立一个影响力和运营网络,与通常集中在城市的各种机构交织在一起,从而错综复杂地融入我们的日常生活。)
–Business - The riveting comic book series penned by Alan Moore and illustrated by Dave Gibbons, which made its debut in 1986, envisioned a vivid ensemble of “superhero-like figures” deeply enmeshed in the dynamics of the nuclear arms race and the Vietnam War, alongside other intricate geopolitical conflicts.(由艾伦·摩尔撰写并由戴夫·吉本斯绘制插图的迷人漫画系列于1986年首次亮相,其设想了一个生动的“超级英雄般的人物”组合。这些人物深深地卷入核军备竞赛和越南战争的动态中,以及其他错综复杂的地缘政治冲突。)