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  • 发音:[ɪnˈkʌmbər]
  • 例句
  1. To encumber means to burden or weigh down someone or something with a heavy load or responsibility, making it difficult to move or function properly. For example, a person carrying a heavy backpack may be encumbered by the weight and find it hard to walk or run quickly.
  2. Start-ups or new players who focus more on technology and have fewer expenses and routines from print media may find it simpler to find new authors and connect with readers in innovative ways without being encumbered.
  3. Offering undergraduates the chance to pursue their aspirations without debt encumbering them is exactly what Smith is working to provide, as McCartney mentioned.
  4. The American aviation manufacturer is not encumbered by the complex multinational setup of Airbus and also operates with more versatile labor regulations.
  5. If all nations simultaneously tighten their economic policies when their economies are encumbered by massive levels of private debt, the result will be a deflation and depression.
  6. The institute was established in 2000 when Japan attempted to rejuvenate its research infrastructure by abandoning the outdated hierarchical structure that encumbered university labs.

  • 解释
  1. Encumber这个单词做动词使用,其表示“to place limits on, or hold something back”这一含义,即“妨碍/阻碍/拖累/使难以移动/使负担沉重”,与impede/hinder/inhibit/hamper/obstruct这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • A Clean Power Plan review was ordered by executive order in March to eliminate “regulatory burdens that unnecessarily encumber energy production.”(三月份,行政命令下令对清洁能源计划进行审查,以消除“不必要地阻碍能源生产的监管负担”。)
  • He wasn’t the most naturally gifted player and had to work hard for everything, so he didn’t have a misplaced sense of entitlement encumbering him.(他不是天赋异禀的球员,必须为每件事努力工作,所以他没有错位的优越感阻碍他。)
  • They can borrow things from each other’s labs and utilize discoveries without encumbering their intellectual property. (他们可以从彼此的实验室借东西,利用发现,而不会妨碍他们的知识产权。)
  • Experimental materials and procedures should be freely available to enable scientists to replicate experiments; this is not always the case, and even when it is, most are encumbered by legal agreements that limit their use.(实验材料和程序应免费提供,使科学家能够复制实验; (然而)情况并非总是如此,即使如此,大多数也受到限制其使用的法律协议的阻碍。)
  • Unlike other companies that have partnerships that encumber them, Tesla prefers to sell directly to its fan base.(与其他有可能阻碍合作伙伴关系的公司不同,特斯拉更喜欢直接向其粉丝群销售。)
  • Paul’s libertarian perspective of minimal government intervention in the market has gained popularity as new entrants such as Uber and Airbnb face regulatory challenges at the state and local levels, encumbering their growth.(随着优步和Airbnb等新进入者面临州和地方层面的监管挑战,阻碍了这些公司的增长,保罗的自由主义观点—政府最小化地对市场施加干预—越来越受欢迎。)


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