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  1. To embellish means to make something more attractive, interesting, or impressive by adding decorative or extra details. It is like adding fancy decorations or colorful ornaments to make something look better or more appealing. It can also mean to enhance or exaggerate a story or description by adding extra details or making it more exciting.
  2. The Maidens utilized a petite knife with an intricately embellished golden handle to trim and polish my hair, and numerous individuals started intertwining tiny strands into a sequence of formal hanging braids.
  3. Stories featuring her would pass down through the ages, enriched with added layers, and embellished with imaginative elements, blurring the line between reality and fiction.
  4. Other eco-friendly design features encompass a drainage mechanism that redirects rainfall from the rooftop to nourish the surrounding gardens, and aesthetically embellished fences adorned with visual representations of soil cross-sections and the chemical composition of petroleum.
  5. Calvin Klein launched a fall advertising campaign featuring rapper Young Thug, who sported flared trousers and a well-fitted pinstripe vestment, while the neckline of the garment was embellished with a captivating orb design.


  1. Embellish这个单词做动词使用,其表示“to make more attractive by adding something that is beautiful, or to enhance or exaggerate something”这一含义,即“美化/装饰/歪曲/对…加以渲染(或发挥)”,与decorate/ adorn/ beautify/ enhance/ exaggerate这些单词构成近义词。

  2. 具体使用场景如下:
  • While some individuals have embellished their backgrounds, such as falsely claiming degrees or military accolades they never earned, or distorting their business expertise and wealth, only a few have done so on such a comprehensive scale.(虽然有些人美化了他们的背景,例如谎称他们从未获得的学位或军事荣誉,或者歪曲他们的商业专长和财富,但只有少数人这样做的规模如此全面。)
  • The inquiry, carried out by a group of five NBC journalists, was launched at the beginning of this year following Mr. Williams’ public apology for embellishing a narrative about an episode involving a helicopter in Iraq back in 2003.(这项调查由五名NBC记者组成,于今年年初启动,此前威廉姆斯公开道歉,歪曲了2003年伊拉克直升机事件。)
  • They delve into the ways in which the traditional sets and real environments were embellished with computer-generated enhancements, while staying loyal to the director’s deep appreciation for tangible and practical production design.(他们深入研究了传统布景和真实环境如何通过计算机生成的增强功能进行修饰,同时忠于导演对有形和实用的制作设计的深刻欣赏。)
  • According to Mr. Graham, the FBI document revealed that the main source depended on second and third-hand information, and Mr. Steele embellished certain accounts before submitting report memos to Fusion GPS, his Washington-based handler.(根据格雷厄姆的说法,联邦调查局的文件显示,主要来源依赖于第二手和第三手信息;斯蒂尔在向华盛顿的处理者Fusion GPS提交报告备忘录之前,对某些账户进行了修饰。)
  • When the #MeToo movement gained momentum two years ago, Ms. Warren started embellishing a story that had circulated for a long time regarding her tenure at the University of Texas, as reported by Massachusetts and other media sources.(据马萨诸塞州和其他媒体报道,当#MeToo运动两年前获得动力时,沃伦开始美化一个流传已久的关于她在德克萨斯大学任职的故事。)


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