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- Being “eloquent” means having a special ability to express thoughts, ideas, or emotions in a very skillful and effective manner. When someone is eloquent, they can use words in a way that is not only clear and understandable but also beautiful and compelling. Their speech or writing is often characterized by fluency, grace, and a certain charm that captures the attention of the audience.
- The play narrates its tale through letters written by three women to the same man. It features Japanese actor Miki Nakatani portraying the women and Mikhail Baryshnikov in the role of the man, who expresses himself without words, using his physical presence to communicate eloquently.
- Being hailed as the finest basketball player globally, LeBron James delivered an eloquent and deep statement, using his voice to stand in solidarity with the protesters and passionately convey his thoughts on the issue at hand.
- Across the expanse of the world’s second-largest ocean, Wimbledon has forever held an air of enchantment, evoking images of a wonderland complete with perhaps a castle and a moat, and undoubtedly showcasing Collins with his eloquent speech and vibrant attire.
- At the age of 88, the late Steven Weinberg, a Nobel laureate physicist, left a lasting impact not only through his groundbreaking contributions but also as one of the most eloquent science writers of the last fifty years. His ability to communicate complex ideas with clarity and eloquence made him a prominent and influential figure in both the scientific and literary realms.
- In an internal memo sent on Thursday to the employees of Goldman Sachs, Mr. Blankfein praised Mr. Cook’s “eloquent” statement and highlighted the crucial value of cultivating a workplace culture that not only recognizes but also celebrates the diversity of individuals and their unique perspectives.
- Eloquent这个单词做形容词使用,其表示“being able to express oneself clearly and well”这一含义,即“雄辩的/有口才的/流利的/有说服力的”,与outspoken /articulate /expressive /fluent这些单词构成近义词。
- 具体使用场景如下:
- Within the pages of the New Yorker, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie offered a beautifully eloquent exploration of the intricate relationship between identity and literature, unraveling the nuances of contemporary storytelling.(在《纽约客》的版面中,奇玛曼达·恩戈齐·阿迪奇对身份与文学之间的错综复杂的关系进行了有说服力的探索,揭示了当代叙事的细微差别。)
–Arts - Presenting at a technology conference, Elon Musk eloquently not only showcased SpaceX’s achievements but also painted a vivid picture of his visionary quest for interplanetary colonization as a means to shape humanity’s destiny.(在一次技术会议上,埃隆·马斯克不仅雄辩地展示了SpaceX的成就,而且还生动地描绘了他对星际殖民的远见卓识,以此作为塑造人类命运的手段。)
–Business - Michael Jordan’s induction speech at the Basketball Hall of Fame was both emotionally charged and eloquent, reflecting on his journey from a young athlete to a global icon who forever changed the game.(迈克尔·乔丹在篮球名人堂的入职演说既充满情感又雄辩,反映了他从年轻运动员到永远改变比赛的全球偶像的旅程。)
–Sports - Astrophysicist Katie Mack’s eloquent TED Talk kindled the mind-bending concepts of cosmic dark matter and energy, captivating the audience with her ability to make complex theories accessible to all.(天体物理学家凯蒂·麦克流利的TED演讲阐明了宇宙暗物质和能量的令人费解的概念,以她使所有人都能理解复杂理论的能力吸引了观众。)
–Science - In the pages of Wired, Tim Cook’s eloquent exposition delved into the ethical dilemmas posed by artificial intelligence, illustrating how the CEO’s insights bridge the gap between technological innovation and societal implications.(在《连线》杂志的页面上,蒂姆·库克有说服力的阐述深入研究了人工智能带来的道德困境,说明了首席执行官的见解如何弥合技术创新与社会影响之间的差距。)